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Member Since 13 Mar 2018
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#179166 Rare Drop List and List of NPCs that drops "x" Item

Posted by OS Jr on 19 April 2018 - 12:41 PM

Hi guys, new poster here on the forum. I have 2 suggestions which some of you may like, and also which some of you will find pointless. Now, in the quest tab, there is obviously the NPC Drop table, KC list and Boss time records. If you look just under you will see some space available. It would be nice to fill that space wouldn't it?


My first suggestion is a rare drop list. This list would contain every rare drop you have ever had on our humble home of Alora. The way this would work is the game would record/note down whenever you get a drop that has a, let's say, 0.5% chance of dropping or less. Don't hold me to that number as it is just a suggestion. This list would enable players to take a look at all the rare drops they've had from different monsters/bosses, and would let lucky players put proof to word about their RNG.


Secondly, a "What monsters drop this certain item" list. I'm not quite sure what too call it yet so bare with me. This would let players type in an item name, and then a list of monsters that drop that item will appear, along with the chance of them dropping that item, similar to the NPC Drop table. This would be extremely useful for ironmen that are new to the game, and aren't quite sure on where to find a certain item/what monster to kill for a certain item.


I hope you like my ideas. If you need a hand in game then pm me! My ign is "OS Jr".

Many thanks for your time and i would like to say thanks to the community of this server. I have never experienced anything like the time i've had on Alora while playing other servers.

Thanks again,

