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Member Since 05 May 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 06 2020 11:43 AM

#191104 Pest Control Rewards

Posted by EIM Cevol on 05 June 2018 - 10:21 AM

Heya folks, I've been playing Alora for a hot minute now and one area I've always wanted to see get a little love is the Pest Control mini-game. It's part of our shared experience here, pretty much everyone has ground out their full void at PC, but we also know how empty the island is during weekdays and times where there are no ongoing bonus events. Once we've gotten our void sets, there's no incentive to ever going back to pest control, which is a bummer because - 


1.5x Pest control points is a regular weekend event


Bonus pest control points are a donor perk that is effectively useless once you've gotten void/torso


The minigame can be a fun way to sink some time, but it's a 'one-time per account' type of minigame.



It would be cool to see a few new rewards be added to the commendations store to incentivize players who've gotten their void to return to the island - a few I'd personally like to suggest and open up to feedback:


Herb Packs - A box containing a random assortment of grimy herbs


Mineral Packs - A box containing some coal and ores (in OSRS this is iron ore, but in Alora perhaps the rewards could be slanted towards higher tiers)


Seed Packs - A box containing some random seeds (again, some higher-tier seeds on the droptable would be a cool alternative gathering method for slower gamemodes)


Cosmetic/Pet rewards - A few unique cosmetics in the shop and/or a cool pest control only pet would be a neat addition to the shop.


Secondaries Packs - A box containing herblore secondaries. This would be awesome to have - ironmen are still stuck picking up many of their herblore secondaries. Snape grass, mort myre fungus, etc. Being able to get some of these items through pest control would be a great gameplay alternative.


Experience rewards - In OSRS you can buy experience with points, although I'm unaware of this being efficient in OSRS and I doubt it would be useful here




What do you guys think? Do you have any suggestions for rewards I missed here? Let me know below :)