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Member Since 11 Aug 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2021 07:57 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Clue Hunter Outfit Perks

03 October 2018 - 03:09 AM


but agree with what MACK said.

I would not want to see it replace the items for emotes, but even if it were to just give location of clue while wearing outfit.
(like Osbuddy)  just to defeat typing ;;clues, it would be some type of benefit while running clues.

I know playing as an ironman, I do my clue's often but as a classic player I did not... it's all preference and now that I have done clue's on EIM i find them enjoyable, I have a tab with just the items needed for clue's + a glory...  clue's do not take long if your setup to just bounce to them.  I noticed as classic I let them stack and that was my issue... once I got so many I just could not be bother anymore. Try to do before I obtain more than 3 in my bank. (only put in bank if on BXP and having fun with my slayer task)

In Topic: Help me ID this song

30 September 2018 - 11:41 AM


Noax   - SQUARE UP





In Topic: More Options for hotkeys?

26 September 2018 - 03:33 AM

so found out   ESCAPE   will close level up menu's...
but spacebar would still be more efficient. 

In Topic: Classic's Of Alora [COA]

24 September 2018 - 02:02 PM

Account (IGN) - 
What rank are you applying for? -
Why do you think you deserve this rank? -
Hello my superior C O A members, As all of you know i'm Twist/ Aka Mike.
I have been playing Alora PS for easily over a month now, have 13Days played on Alora and since day-1 I have been in C O A CC.
- I try my best to be as much help as possible, I thrive to make Classics great again, amongst the rest of us. 
- I always push to help new players, i plan to even do giveaways/events and everything to help out our newer C O A members.
Do you agree to be Non-Toxic?-
of course.
Explain why COA interest's you?
C O A Has interested me since Day-1 of Alora. everyone here is so helpful/friendly and the community here is completely non-toxic uncompared to the rest of the Clanchats. 
i have made new accounts since making TW1ST and been in other CC's and every other account i've ended up leaving the CC because of toxicity and the amount of stupid spam. 

In Topic: [19/9/18] Blast Furnace, Raids pet expansion, auto-looting RoW, bug fixes...

20 September 2018 - 03:15 AM

very amazing update.

i appreciate everything you do for us @Omni <3    you put in so much time and effort to satisfy us and "I" really see the effort that's put forward to please every Alora player. 


     couldn't be more pleased with another update once again, was not expecting all this x[)

   the forum post is also very nice and detailed. the layout is perfect, reading your posts do not hurt the eyes or nothing. :D 


way to go omni :D !