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Member Since 11 Aug 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2021 07:57 AM

Topics I've Started

More Options for hotkeys?

25 September 2018 - 03:48 PM

hey guys, so during the grinds, i'm sure everyone has thought of this.. i'm not even sure if it's already been suggested and accepted/denied.  did not see when i skimmed through the post.

Yes, this would be the last on priority list due to the tendancy of this option, but I would believe that like osrs...

SPACEBAR  should close diaglogue's from Level Up's, & ESC.   

ESCAPE key should also close the Welcome screen.  (this one, i've always thought of. seen video of RS last night and seen that it was implented there... so maybe here too? :D )

Forum Suggestion } Sorry for double post.

31 August 2018 - 08:55 PM

so was using forums and was taking some screenshots for progress folder  and "if possible"

a Menu to "open" Game Activity page to see all game activity rather than recent 5. 

Donator Suggestions. }

31 August 2018 - 04:16 AM

Hello everybody, I have read the "already suggested" and did not see, if i missed i am sorry, but i have a couple of suggestions to make Donator zone abit more benefiting. 

- Add a teleport mage to donator zone.  { purpose;  When going to ;;dz to restock/recharge, since the rejuve. pool is closer,  going home to tele can get annoying } maybe even make it so we can change DZ to home.


- Spacing out the mahogany tree's better and possibly a couple more.{ gets annoying when more than 1-2 people there and it tends to try and run you out of the DZ)


- possibly adding another bank inside the hut closer to tree's and the ores. { more benefits for donating/ easier banking.}


-  Add some more types of fish to donator zone. { benefit the lower level fishers with the no spam of ;;fish }