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Member Since 07 Oct 2019
Previous Username: GIM Fluffies
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2023 12:45 AM

#442668 Halloween Costume Contest 2022!

Posted by StevensEven on 15 October 2022 - 07:40 AM

Your time has come...


Attached File  prayer.png   229.42KB   0 downloads

#395288 Would a Second world be a possibility?

Posted by StevensEven on 21 April 2021 - 10:01 PM

I've been watching and debating with people for quite a while on wilderness related issues and it seems the main issue people have is the bounty system in general, more specifically: Bounty Teleports.

Is having a Bounty System fair when Alora has only one world?

Clans dominate the wilderness and make it almost impossible for other players to be able to enjoy or even simply use wilderness content. Before you say anything; I am fully aware the wilderness is a high-risk high-reward part of the osrs game but it is balanced with hundreds of different worlds and only 1-2 bounty worlds (Might not be accurate i don't play normal osrs haha). That being said, with multiple worlds it allows players to have an easier chance to actually use wilderness content but still have a risk system to it. You can still be found and pked or just die to wilderness content.

The suggestion would be (If possible) the creation of a separate world for Alora that would be a pvp-only world that could be a bounty hunter based world, or there could be a separate instanced zone put in the main world of alora like ;;edgepvp that wouldn't be a bounty hunter world but maintain wilderness content?

I feel like this post is kind of all over the place, It's very late for me but wanted to make a topic for it at least for discussion to see what others would want to say on the matter -Smile-:)

#389601 Predict my KC and win 50m!

Posted by StevensEven on 18 February 2021 - 01:20 PM

7221 kc

#389586 Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by StevensEven on 18 February 2021 - 11:14 AM

Username: Gim Fluffies

Discord Name: Terribly Sad Boi#8837

Game Mode: GIM

Playtime: https://prnt.sc/10021k6

Proof of Combat and Skills: 


Do I agree with all rules from Paragon and Alora: Absolutely.

Reason for applying: CC to call home and to easily find parties to learn and conduct Raids.

Member who introduced me: Crusted