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Member Since 08 Dec 2019
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#488025 Elder maul buff

Posted by HoldinAP on 04 June 2024 - 09:37 AM

Well, I bet you have seen a suggestion that when they aren't in osrs it a low chance they will be in here, for the new skill, Omi has said not once that he's working on a new skill so we gonna see what happens if he did implement here and what players gonna say about it. It is in osrs = its in Alora. Talking about the moul itself, it's higher in price, and why people are buying them tho?



Support, however everyone saying "because its in osrs it should be in alora" not everything thats in osrs should be in alora. For example when sailing finally comes out and is an absolute failure I'm sure none of us would want that skill to come to alora (https://www.alora.io...ng/#entry486941 as you can see here)

#487599 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by HoldinAP on 29 May 2024 - 12:06 PM

Support, Cuz I think buying EIM / GIM bank is like a profit version of OSRS fliping, you buy it wait a couple of months, and sell it in parts to others for 2x the prices. Just like you all wanna merge Realism, I think it is normal to trade OSRS to DMM no?

#485902 Community Manager Change

Posted by HoldinAP on 02 May 2024 - 09:58 AM

omg Gzzz @Tauri and @Moe u never gonna go far!!

#485779 Clan Friends List Changes

Posted by HoldinAP on 29 April 2024 - 12:44 PM

Support, If HC die at this game, then the clans should grow bigger than ever with all the gravestones there are. 

#481746 [Spring '24] Community Awards

Posted by HoldinAP on 22 March 2024 - 03:02 AM




Best Event Manager: @Tauri


Best Administrator: @To gain


Best Global Moderator: @Not Shadow


Best Forum Moderator: @U


Best Server Moderator: @poptart267


Best Server Support: @YeetMcSkeet


Most active on Discord: @Logann


Most active In-game: @YeetMcSkeet


Most active on Forums: @Not Shadow


Most Respected: @H


Most Potential Promotion: @GIM NoArN


Funniest Staff Member: @YeetMcSkeet


Overall Best Staff Member: @Moe






Most Active In-game: @Everyone


Most Active on Forums: @Omicron


Most Active on Discord: @Not Shadown


Most Active Overall: @H


Most Wealthy: @YeetMcSkeet


Most Addicted to Gambling: @rileyy Reids


Most Friendly: @Everyone


Most Respected: @redcar


Coolest Veteran: @Arosa


Best Helper: @To gain


Best PKer: @46


Best PvMer: @Miq


Best Raider: @Logann


Best Skiller: @Phanny phart


Best Clan: -


Best Ironman: @Cous xD


Best Hardcore Ironman: @HCIM Tamber


Best Ultimate Ironman: @unBank


Best Elite Ironman: @Skills Pl0x


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Grange


Best Group Ironman (Team): @GIM NoArN


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Player): @poptart267


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Team): Trilly or in what @poptart267 is


Best Realism Player: @Real Alan


Best Classic Player: @Variant


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: -


Best Streamer: @DreamyFlame


Top Overall: @Tauri

#478700 Awakener's orb

Posted by HoldinAP on 03 February 2024 - 08:35 AM

For me orbs is almost same with revs, rev loot is seein' in yell bc what? pkers gonna go and catch them, maybe in the future there will be a suggestion saying to remove them, but for first month leave it so we can see what rate is it for all of players depending on donors too, may aswell we need to make a suggestion to remove yell rev loot huh?



#478692 [30/1/24] Desert Treasure II, Collection Log Hiscores, Poison Waste Dungeon...

Posted by HoldinAP on 03 February 2024 - 03:42 AM

Nice Change !!

#477365 Elite void version

Posted by HoldinAP on 17 January 2024 - 08:25 AM

What is your suggestion?: Make more common karrum's Stronghold slayer dungeon tasks.

Is this in OSRS?: No, then again they have diffrent rewards on diarys.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.

How would this benefit Alora?: Peaple want void, knowing that is good with bp, but i got 80 tasks done, and only 2/5, when u complete it and if u wanna u can stay at karuum, if not move to diff slayer master, 

Ps: i know players gonna say get super donor for free skip's and u gonna make it easy, i get that but for the new players to get 50$ instaly ain't easy.



#476917 GOTR

Posted by HoldinAP on 11 January 2024 - 04:16 AM

Why not ofc, Support.

#476033 New Year's Giveaway!

Posted by HoldinAP on 01 January 2024 - 06:02 AM

Aaaa, best memory in last year, there was alot, starting from maxing reallism to finish diary + getting inferno cape, getting nex blood peaces (he was nice fella (or she), then i think the bigges one, that i made yell say a new thing, ,,TRRRRREEEEEEDDDDAAAAWWWWGGGG'', and eventually get that max xp with 129th beaver, now thats a record, and boom 200m woodcuting, so Tauri u choose. and happy new year to everyone hope see alot more that prevs year.

#474911 [Winter '23] Community Awards

Posted by HoldinAP on 17 December 2023 - 06:02 AM




Best Event Manager: @Moe


Best Administrator: @Tauri


Best Global Moderator: @Mufasa


Best Forum Moderator: @Not Shadow (where is my !gm !gn commands <3)


Best Server Moderator: @Mufasa


Best Server Support: 


Most active on Discord: @Krest


Most active In-game: @knudy


Most active on Forums: @2


Most Respected: @Moe


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: @Moe


Overall Best Staff Member: @Moe






Most Active In-game: @HCIM Tamber


Most Active on Forums: @Ivy


Most Active on Discord: @2


Most Active Overall: @HCIM Tamber


Most Wealthy: @YeetMcSkeet


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: @Everyone


Most Respected: @Im job


Coolest Veteran: @Ryuu


Best Helper: @Fussy Parts


Best PKer: @Daz


Best PvMer: @Gimslaving


Best Raider: @Ba Ba


Best Skiller: @Phanny phart


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @mochiii


Best Hardcore Ironman: @HCIM Tamber


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Sassafras


Best Elite Ironman: @Fenriz


Best Group Ironman (Player): @GIM NoArN


Best Group Ironman (Team): @Club Penguin


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Team): 


Best Realism Player: @Real Alan


Best Classic Player: @Neuro


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Tauri


Best Streamer: @Tauri


Top Overall: @2

#472314 $3,000 Mobile Ironman Tournament (Starting October 28th!)

Posted by HoldinAP on 08 November 2023 - 03:43 AM

https://imgur.com/a/GjB6g0p @@@@@

#471283 vote book timer.

Posted by HoldinAP on 27 October 2023 - 04:20 AM

What is your suggestion?: vote book timer.

Is this in OSRS?: No.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: I don't know, if there is am sorry.

How would this benefit Alora?: So claiming a vote book, it has 300 sec timer, so okey if u collect for expl 2 vote book at the time, but when it come's collectiong like 10 of them or 20+ it takes time, so my suggestion is to reduce the timer on donor ranks, add as the a ;;perk and if players doesn't like the timer, they upgrade they status to higher = bonds go higher, big demand on customs.

#469851 Drop searcher QOL

Posted by HoldinAP on 04 October 2023 - 01:41 AM

Okey, so for the defender if have rune one (from shop in the room were u get tokens) u have chance of 1/100 and 50/50 to get dragon one or rune one.

Secondely with nest it goes on what trees u chooping (i bieleve so), higher tree = higher chance to get it, true my 200m chooping i would say, on avgr i got 1.5 bird nest per inv.

Third fishing i think same as woodcuting.


It would take time to put them all in one table, i would say it would be big update with these clue box searcher, but then again it would be massive tab and it would take time for u see what u can kill and what monster u have plans to kill, with that sayed it has to have search in the tab as we have in wizard tele, so it shows if u type that monster what chance u have to get from him, how do u want this tab to be separate for easy, med, hard, elite, if u want these kind of things u have too put more efforet making a suggestion for these kind of things.


Well good luck and we gonna see what other players have to say.


Have a nice day.


  • 2 likes this

#464789 Realism potion shop

Posted by HoldinAP on 23 July 2023 - 11:56 AM

Just one thing, if u cant play the gamemode, just don't, and for potion prices, u think omi gonna make same as normie? what WE the realists of this gamemode will get in renturn if they add potions in shop? tell me WHAT. O yea nothing, so thats why we against it, making pots for what? to then in few months to be add to the ;;shops, don't think it will happen, if it will, we sure gonna make a suggestion for new gamemode. 

I don’t understand why ‘crying’ , ‘change exp rate’, ‘game mode to hard’ has to do with requesting some potions in a shop.

I’ll keep this relevant to the topic - The suggestion is purely to make this game mode accessible for the newer / early tier players.
Yes, people in the realism community which has happened to me when I need an onyx made into a fury, however people like that aren’t always around and there’s others that expect control from it (unfortunately this does happen from my time here).
At this moment, I don’t see any difference between EIM and Realism - outside of lower exp. They both feel like Ironman gameplay.