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Member Since 17 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2023 07:54 AM

#105325 Cerberus instant tele

Posted by Mekkon on 01 August 2017 - 10:12 PM

It takes 10 seconds to run into the room, no support for this.

#104218 Barrows suggestion

Posted by Dutchie on 29 July 2017 - 01:04 PM



Barrows suggestion:


Instead of "You received (number) points", I would like to see "You received (number) points, you now have a total of (number) points.".


Small suggestion but still nice to have.



#82170 Obtaining certain Item for HCIM

Posted by Iron Divine on 17 May 2017 - 01:58 PM

a HCIM is supposed to have some challenges/risks attached to it.. No support, sorry

#82167 Obtaining certain Item for HCIM

Posted by Big Hero on 17 May 2017 - 01:55 PM

I wouldn't support; just because as a HCIM, you know what you're signing up for. The challenge is harder, that's the point.

#75805 Selling Karambwans via Rasalo Or Shop Keeper

Posted by Chance on 27 April 2017 - 09:00 PM

The reason karambwans are heavily priced is because there is a limited supply of them. As in, you have to fish it yourself. I feel not many people fish them unless for there own use or achievement.


Now, putting them in the store is too easy. Think about how anglerfish/dark crabs are. There in resource area, and are still pretty expensive in tp. It's stabling the economy in that area because the only way to get them is by fishing in resource area, risking your fish. I know it will probably make pking more active because you can buy the food right there. I feel it's more of a challenge fishing them, which is the best option.


No support, this was just my opinion on it.

#73246 NEW Dark Totem Suggestion

Posted by Ruf on 20 April 2017 - 10:40 PM

Okay guys, so in an upcoming update in OSRS they're going to be adding a skotizo pet and purple skotizo themed recolour for the slayer helm.

I was thinking that we could implement these into the server by making a use for dark totems.


So.. What I was thinking is that there could be an NPC that you can trade in dark totems in exchange for a chance at receiving the skotizo pet or the ability to recolour your slayer helm purple (similar to the way that you can trade in fire capes at a chance for Jad pet). I'd suggest the chances that your totem would reward you would be something along the lines of 1/100 dark totems for slayer helm and 1/2000 for skotizo pet. What are your guys thoughts on this? I think this would be a fun idea that would make people actually excited when they build a full totem and they can have a gamble at some of these cool rewards!




EDIT: The 1/100 chance wouldn't be for an actual purple slayer helmet, but instead a Skotizo head that you can use on your slayer helm.

#72527 Sorta small update?

Posted by Holcomb on 18 April 2017 - 01:11 PM

Just a suggestion, feel free to agree or disagree :P, I was thinking we could put in a type of bank pre-set, sort-of like Rs3, where you save your inventory, and you press a key (number 1) and it automatically loads this inventory. It would be great for quick gearing for Pking or bossing, or just skilling in general.

#72309 Wilderness bosses and monsters/NPCs shouldn't drop mysterious emblems.

Posted by Iron Bastard on 17 April 2017 - 08:36 PM

It isn't a very common drop, i killed venny 100 times any only got about 5-6 emblems. They only give 72 PkP each emblem so it isn't really that big of a deal.

#71849 Prayer notification

Posted by Crooks on 16 April 2017 - 03:52 PM

lol is it really necessary to have this theres already so many indicators and runescape has been around forever.


if you're not accustom to it you'll slowly adjust.

#71073 Should definitely add Kingdom of Misc

Posted by Robogod on 14 April 2017 - 08:34 PM

Title says it all... Should definitely add kingdom of miscelania, would be a money sink as well as a way for iron man to get more skilling supplies.

#68293 Idea?

Posted by Tele Block on 08 April 2017 - 04:07 PM

You choose to limit yourself to being an ironman. On your own. So enjoy your grind :)

#65629 Why I waste 6 hours on pking?

Posted by 1 on 29 March 2017 - 02:02 PM

I get your point, all this effort put into it and then it's disabled.
Some people have abused it, some haven't.

It's unfair for the people who haven't abused this, this should've been disabled earlier to avoid this but we can't turn back time.

Not sure if it's smart to reset the items, think it would be unfair for people who actually have grinded for PKP.
We can't determine the people who have abused it and the people who didn't abuse it.

Disable the PKP shop is the only way to stop this, the damage that was made can't be reversed, only way to do this is reset all the items but that would be unfair and also not sure if it's possible.

Hope we'll find something that will be fair.

Can't support this but I'm open for suggestions.


Dennis (Sheep).

Yeah, and there are lots of players that legitimately grinded for their PKP that they're now unable to use. The people that did buy from the shop should have their items removed or the shop should be made usable again. That's the only fair way to sort it.

#65084 Completionist Cape Requirements

Posted by Hex on 27 March 2017 - 01:16 AM

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the goal is to bring activity to the wilderness w/ the pvp acheivements, but instead it just demotivates people and they don't bother. Adding x amount of each boss in wildy to be killed will solve two things with 1 stone - active wildy, and a fair ground for the completionist cape.

Only problem with this that i can see is that it kinda screws over UIM and eventually HCIM that need to risk their entire account just to do that achievement.

#65086 flamebaiting on yell.

Posted by Turban eater on 27 March 2017 - 01:21 AM

Although flame-baiting, flaming, and disrespect are in the "official" alora rules, I see probably about 10%-20% of this to be punished.


It's not unusual to login and within a few minutes see some type of banter/flame/flamebait over yell whether it be over PKing or just someone wanting to start drama.


Not sure if adding even more rules would help though.


I'll stay neutral on this one, good luck.


Edit: @Fat nerd please don't flamebait, the only reason you commented so aggressively is because you are in TNG and feel the need to defend yourself. It's ok, just let the guy suggest a suggestion?

#65083 flamebaiting on yell.

Posted by Born for thc on 27 March 2017 - 01:12 AM

I feel a big reason of bickering on yell is clan related (TNG too be specific everything i see is related too them.) I think anything clan related should be barred from being on yell with an appropriate punishment. I've seen quite a few servers do this and it helps a lot more then you'd think with spam and what not  over yell.