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#446762 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Bobby lazer on 30 November 2022 - 02:57 AM

Account Name (IGN) - Yautja

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Joker#6277

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit



Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 11/16/2022

What rank are you applying for? - Corporal 

What are your strengths? - pvm and game knowledge of alora and a bit of osrs

What are your weaknesses? - nex and gauntlet

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I've been in ICE for about 2 weeks and I think I've helped a fair amount and been active in the cc and discord.

#430149 Ignore List Functionality with Friends Chat

Posted by Aves on 02 May 2022 - 01:52 AM

What made you suggest this?..

Someone caused lots of problems in cc, got kicked, but was still able to re-join after a 30 minute cooldown multiple times. Looking to avoid dealing with this in the future.

Obviously this suggestion doesn't solve all the issues but it's a start :P

I can also see this applying to people who are griefing raids, as well as everything stated in the suggestion.

#231030 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by MADASFUK on 03 November 2018 - 09:43 PM

EDIT 14/11/18:
I am going away very soon so i will not be on my regular setup (gona be on gf's scuffed laptop setup) and so i wont really be able to PK until i'm home, I'll still be playing but nowhere near as much so i am going to "save" my bank value (It's around 2.4b right now without including the pvp armours which i can't trade) and will be continuing with this series when i am back again in around a month. 
I will be starting from 0GP and no gear whatsoever (I will keep my PK supplies since nobody wants to watch me spend 90% of what i PK on supplies.) and working towards making enough money for both completely BiS/Max PvM and PvP gear. I will do this through wilderness only.
PvM Items:
- Sycthe of Vitur
- Twisted Bow
- Ghrazi Rapier
- Avernic defender Hilt
- Kodai Wand
- Blowpipe
- Dragon Hunter Crossbow
- Zenyte Jewellery (Anguish, Torture, Tormented bracelet)
- Pegasian boots
PvP Items:
- Elysian Spirit shield
- Arcane Spirit shield
- Vestas items (Bottoms, Longsword)
- Morrigans items (Top)
- Dragon Claws
- Ancestral Robes
- Ring of Suffering
- I am only allowed to spend the money that I make on the items listed above and the welfare gear listed below. 
- I'm not allowed to use any of the gear listed above until i have ALL of the items from the PvP list apart from Elysian.
- Every other item that i want to use MUST be pked or obtained through wilderness npc drops.(for example if i want to use ags i must pk it.). 
- I am allowed to sell ANY of my pked loot as cash towards the listed items.
- I am allowed to spend my PKP however i wish BUT i must instantly sell whatever i buy to the TP as money towards the listed items. 
- As mentioned in rule 1, I have a list of welfare gear (Very cheap, very bad gear) That i am allowed to buy as "starter" pk gear. (See below)
- I Have full access to the bloody chest however i am not allowed to spend PKP on the keys or buy the keys.
Welfare Item list:
- Xerican Robes
- Water Staff
- Black d'hide armour 
- Rock Climbing boots
- Barrows Gloves
- Rune Crossbow
- Lunar Ring
- Amulet of glory
- God Books (Book of darkness etc)
I also Have a large amount of untradables in the reclaim shop that I am allowed to buy back as soon as i have the money (See spoiler below)
Starting Bank:
Current Bank:
Last updated 12/11/18
I am doing this mainly because I am very bored of playing right now (I have played for over a year and i am bored of regular pking, pvming etc. I make money, go to sand casino, lose it, repeat. Hopefully this will make the game fun again) and also hopefully people will see from this how profitable pking actually is on this game and perhaps the wilderness will see more activity, more people out there in welfare gear making money through methods i use in this "series" if you want to call it that.
I Will be updating the bank picture every couple of days (I am not super active right now, sometimes it may barely change) And I shall also post pics of any significant drops, Pk's on in general any significant account changes in the spoiler below.
These are all in order of when they happened. (I will stop posting pics of welfare kills as soon as they become irrelevant to the series/my bank wealth)
EDIT 12/11/18: I have stopped adding to this pic dump unless it is a large riskfight since very few of the kills mean "a lot" towards my bank wealth now and so i do not want a pic dump of potentially hundreds of kills cluttering the thread.
EDIT 14/11/18:
I am going away very soon so i will not be on my regular setup (gona be on gf's scuffed laptop setup) and so i wont really be able to PK until i'm home, I'll still be playing but nowhere near as much so i am going to "save" my bank value (It's around 2.4b right now without including the pvp armours which i can't trade) and will be continuing with this series when i am back again in around a month. 

#419625 Revenant Caves Entrances

Posted by 5 on 20 December 2021 - 04:50 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Make the revenant entrances either one way, so if you go in then you can't go out unless you teleport

or have a 7 second deadman mode timer where you need to be out of combat for 7 seconds to leave.


Is this in OSRS?:

Yes as seen here.



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

People are always spamming the entrance if a pker is on them and it makes it literally impossible to die in the caves.

#406079 PVP Suggestions

Posted by Not Mhk on 11 August 2021 - 10:26 PM

What is your suggestion?: 


1. Add profile switcher, it is very useful, for everyone.




2. PVP Performance Tracker:






3. GPU Render, example here: 



4. Move EdgePvP ornate pool inside of bank:

It would match most servers just to make it more convenient. Maybe add Dark Altar so we can change spell book without teleporting around.




5. Add Dragon Bolts, Opal Dragon Bolts (e), or Dragonstone Dragon Bolts (e) to PKP Store, or literally any store...

The lowest price for these in the TP ATM is 128k.... for each, also there's only ~500 even listed ATM.

Using dragonstone (e) bolts does not compare, especially when you can look at TP and see almost 70K javs listed.

I would just go off the barrage/tb sacks for the price, no idea what they should be.

If any one of these passes it should be this...









6. Add render self command to ;;rs or ;;renderself, maybe connect it to enable entity hider (maybe add a hotkey trigger)?

Entity hider itself looks ok, I'm not sure if it shows HP bar as I've turned it on once.

It is unrealistic to open your plugins in the middle of a fight, if someones dd'ing you (standing under you) or you want to dd on them its very useful.





7. Fix looting bag to work at EdgePvP like OSRS PVP worlds.


8. Allow spell sacks to work at EdgePvP.


9. Emblem drops and upgrades at EdgePvP. This might make people Pking there a bit more active. I have no idea if this is a thing currently so feel free to let me know.


10. *maybe* Rework some of the rules.

This might make some people upset and I'm not trying to attack staff team or defend anyone who broke any rule but some of these rules are strange, very situational, or seem misguided.

I understand this is not a strictly PK server so you can't say the n word every other sentence but people having permanent mutes for years, being mac muted/banned for one offence after years of not having any offences seems a little harsh (Obviously I don't have the whole situation, context, etc.).
I've written some of these rules I could go down the list picking out each rule and what I think of it but IMO there should be a more backseat approach and basic set of rules. 

If a player is truly detrimental to the community, sure, ip/mac/uuid mute or ban them. But after playing on a lot of other servers, and 07, I don't see the rules being exercised nearly as frequently or as strictly.

This is obviously an opinion so you're free to disagree, in total there's '18' ingame rules and '11' forum rules with around an additional 68 parts in total (the a., b., etc., not even including staff discretion), I'm sure not even some staff members would know all these rules and each part of them, how do you expect new, current or returning players to remember all of these and abide by them.



Is this in OSRS?:

 Some of them sure.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

I have absolutely no idea


How would this benefit Alora?:

Pk updates = more pkers.

#405230 Pvmers can't find chambers of xerics entrance, mistake forum moderator fo...

Posted by DB Aspect on 03 August 2021 - 11:01 AM



I spent too much time on this vid so might aswel post it

#400548 All day free entry (LMS)

Posted by Gimslaving on 20 June 2021 - 10:20 AM

What is your suggestion?: Make LMS entry free for a day during weekday OR full weekend.

Is this in OSRS?: https://oldschool.ru...st_Man_Standing  Competitive is free entry in osrs.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not what i could find.

How would this benefit Alora?: Makes LMS more active.