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Member Since 08 Mar 2021
Previous Username: Varius Dfile
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2024 02:41 AM

#407245 Rooftop Agility add ons.

Posted by Who is Ivy on 23 August 2021 - 07:59 PM

Support , but definetly want canifis added. Being the best marks per hour early rooftop.

Have updated the suggestion to add Canfis Course, It wouldn't hurt being added in as it allows more training options!
  • NZD likes this

#407138 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by Real Alan on 22 August 2021 - 03:37 PM

The economy is ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED. Theres barely any endgame items circulating, and supplies cost fortunes. Some of the players that have ludicrous amounts of GP simply use it to swap, or try to. I respect this grind a lot, and the difficulties only small amounts of players managed to overcome, but when I personally picked this gamemode I didn't sign up for GIM with very low XP rates. The challenge in the gamemode was the XP rate, not trading for items. I don't find it a challenge to pay 80-100K for a super restore, while not being able to sell me PvM drop, unless I accept votebooks/boosters.



The economy is not absolutely destroyed.  It's fine the way it is.

There's a reason why super restores are expensive in the Trading Post.

Supply and demand.  If you think they are way too expensive, you're welcome to make some and throw them in the Trading Post cheaper than everyone else.

Hypothetically, it should be a good money maker.

The reason why you don't is the same reason why all the remaining super restores remain expensive.  Supply and demand.

Lots of demand for super restores.  Few willing to supply.

For example, if I sell 100 super restores, I need to be compensated for the time it takes me to gather supplies and make those 100 super restores.

I'm essentially selling my time.  

The price I select must be at minimum higher than the opportunity cost from thieving Cirdan in Priff for the same amount of time.

To keep it simple, the realism trading post is essentially a vending machine group bank.

Everything in there is meant to be overpriced.  If it wasn't overpriced, someone would likely have already bought it.

So it's an advertisement board...  Just because advertised prices are higher than normie, does not mean the economy is absolutely destroyed.

If you think about it, the realism economy is less problematic than the normie trading post.

On the normie trading post, the price of restores and brews is based on the purchase price from the NPC store.

If the TP price gets too high, players will just buy from the store, which has unlimited stock.

At least on Realism, the price is reflective of supply and demand.

On normie, the price is subsidized by omicron's food selling NPC.


Also, endgame items aren't available on the trading post.  Why?

Because if I invest 100 hours into doing 600 gauntlet runs to finally get an enhanced crystal seed... (which i still haven't btw)

I wouldn't put my seed in the TP for anything less than the value of 100 hours of my time.


So in conclusion, I support your suggestion to de-realism to classic, but I do not support your reasoning.

There's beauty in a true supply and demand trading post like we have on Realism.

Just because she doesn't look the way you want her to look... or like her normal twin... doesn't mean she's worsening.  


Lastly, regarding your PVM drops that you're struggling to sell, perhaps you should reduce your prices.

Once you consider the number of players that are also bringing in your PVM drops (supply)

and the number of new players that actually need the items (demand), it makes sense why your pvm items are harder to sell.

Take zulrah drops for example.  The barrier to entry is significantly lower than cerberus (1 slayer versus 90 slayer on a 2x game mode).

Once you have a blowpipe, you don't really need another.  

Therefor, you end up with more supply than demand, so you're forced to lower prices.


At least on realism, we dont have people opening ultimate mystery boxes and getting endgame items.

As a player doing TOB, would you rather play a game mode where TOB is the only supply of TOB drops or one where a third party could come in, swipe their credit cards, and spawn one out of a box.  That's up to you.  :ph34r:

If you think about it, realism endgame items are actually reflective of the work and time players have put in.

If the items aren't there... perhaps it just means players haven't put enough time into that content rather than "the eco is destroyed."

#407080 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by Realmungard on 22 August 2021 - 07:46 AM

The problem is, that some people use it as a money cow. 

And I completely agree people should be able to go from realism to classic.


I personally play it as an ironman and just give my dupes away. And try to help newer players as much as I can. 


Fact remains that some people hype the mode to then farm the newbies through the trading post.

I dont think an eco merge isnt the play either. As I personally picked the mode for the extreme tedious and grindy nature, both in exp aswell as supplies.


A possible solution could be:

Adding atleast Prayer potions to the already excisting shops. Make them more expensive as normie mode. That way you atleast break the potion market as people would be able to get a decent amount of prayer pots to atleast get their accounts combat going (into seeds for farming and all that good stuff)


For me as an established player on realism getting potions isnt hard. Specially if you do some hydra/wildy bosses and raids. I personally never farmed and I got respectable stacks of potions and supplies. Which makes me feel as if its more of an early grind problem, rather than endgame. 


(Off topic, If you actually need help with supplies, feel free to pm i got alot more secondaries than i need. And I aint no gypsy fuck tryna stack gp on Real Ironmode)


PS. Try realism btw xD