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Member Since 09 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2023 12:35 AM

#177830 Skillcape Perks!

Posted by Arani on 14 April 2018 - 03:19 PM

So, it's come to my attention that the perks on Skillcapes' don't work, which some don't have a perk to begin with- That doesn't matter.



A lot of people have wondered, talked about and even agreed that the Maxed Cape Skillcape Perks would be amazing to have - For Example: POH Teleport, Crafting Teleport - Even regular Teleports such as the Fishing Guild.



It might be a bit hard to implement, but we wouldn't rush - It would be amazing to see Alora have this type of skillcape efficiency - It would even make them more useful, aswell as an achievement to getting the skillcape perk along with it ^_^


It would also be amazing to see such a wonderful opportunity for this one-and only amazing Server to have Perks like those, and even others! 




Thanks for taking time to read this post!




-Always feel free to Pm me for more information about it! I'd be delighted to help out as much as I can if it's implemented!


Thanks - Arani~