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Member Since 03 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active May 10 2020 02:57 PM

#14815 Online Security and Safety

Posted by Delivery on 09 November 2016 - 02:30 PM

Firewall, Anti-Virus & Malware + Cleaners
There are a handful of things that keep you secure (your computer and personal information etc), you can look over the selected few that I've suggested, they more or less offer the same things (with a few differences{Read them}). They are all free as paying for protection is outdated - and you shouldn't be paying to keep your stuff secure when you shouldn't have to.
Maintenance Cleaners
Maintain a routine
If you want to keep your computer clean and secure, you have to maintain a routine to scan your computer and clean it out once in a while. Even if it's once a week - ALWAYS take precautions as anything could happen, you could accidentally click on a link or download something. At the very least do it once a month so you're sure that everything is updated and safe.
Run Anti-Virus scanner
Run Anti-Malware scanner
Run Maintenance cleaner
Follow instructions that are given in order for the software to do it's job.
Okay, this is something people do ALL the time, especially when it comes to RSPS. Use something with numbers AND letters at the very least. If you have trouble remembering complex passwords with numbers in them. Write it down on a piece of paper - do NOT store it on your computer as if you happen to get infected your files would be at risk (therefore your passwords).
Note: Be sure to use different passwords for each game you play (self explanatory).
Unfamiliar Links & downloads
The online community is filled with a handful of people who will try to make you click on random links which can harm you computer. If a link looks 'funny' or unsafe, here's an idea, don't click on it - it's probably unsafe. Most hackers will disguise links into things such as:
Java-Drive Bys
RATS (Remote Administration Tools)
These are things that CAN and WILL hack into your information, let alone your RSPS account (since keyloggers monitor your key strokes and tell the hacker what you are typing). RATS can take control of your computer without your permission, something like Teamviewer but without informing you. Java-Drive Bys can give you various viruses that you do not wish to have on your computer.
Bank and Account Pins
Alright, so this is more for the in-game aspect of safety. If your account happens to get hacked due to one of the things I've mentioned above, you'll more than likely complain like a child and THEN complain to the staff as to why they're not refunding you (to a certain extent). This isn't their fault - you're given plenty of options (that are provided by the server) which give your account security, such as bank pins/2fa etc. If you don't have one already then I highly suggest that you get one - this way if the hacker gets into your account they can't do much (your pin will stop then from opening your bank and taking everything that you worked hard for). Another thing that I highly suggest you do, is to change your pin number every now and then to something different (same with passwords) - this way if they have access to your account and you don't know they'll never get into your bank.
You can find Volta's Two-Factor Authentication guide here.
Staff Impersonation
Beware of people pretending to be staff. This happens a lot in Private Servers and new players (perhaps new to Runesape) can find themselves a victim of this. There's a list of staff members that assist the community, you can find the list by clicking here.
Crowns and signs next to their name indicate staff (though there are no crowns/signs on the forums there are said symbols in-game). We also have a public Discord server that anyone can join where members of staff are given ranks - if you need any kind of personal assistance feel free to message them there! You can join the Discord server by clicking here.
Lots of Love,

#12753 How to alternatively access Alora (via Batch)

Posted by Delivery on 06 November 2016 - 03:59 PM

If you're having issues opening the .jar file type please use this guide. It shows you how to access Alora using an alternative method.


Alora now has a Debugger where you can just click-and-play. It does exactly the same thing as the steps below but I just show you how to create your own. The Debugger can be found in the "alora" (case sensitive) folder under your user profile.






Step 1

Head over to Alora's forums and click the "Play Now" that's in the middle of the navigation bar. When this is clicked, some of you may get a message that asks for confirmation (to download the file) - I decided to scan the file with 2 anti-virus scanners (Windows Defender and Virustotal) and it shows that the file is perfectly safe. You select the "Keep" option and proceed (If you don't get this popup then this part of the step doesn't affect you). The file you just downloaded is called "alora" (case sensitive).














Step 2
Moving on, you'll need to create a new folder somewhere (the name of this folder is unimportant and it doesn't matter where you store it). Move the "alora" (.jar) file that you just downloaded into this newly created folder.








Step 3
Once you create the folder, open up a Notepad and type "java -jar alora.jar". Save the Notepad as "alora.bat" (case sensitive) and make sure to select the "All Files" file type (as shown below). When saving the notepad, make sure it's in the folder that you just created.










Step 4

After completing the previous steps open up your newly created folder - there should be two files (one being Batch(.bat) and the other being Java(.jar)). Upon opening the Batch file a command prompt (CMD) will pop up, where you'll see "java -jar alora.jar" again - a few seconds after the file is opened it will close and the Alora client will start to load.












I hope this helps, enjoy Alora.



Lots of love,

Delivery <3