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Won Lolz

Member Since 09 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2017 07:42 PM

#88945 Staff Update 10 June 2017

Posted by Won Lolz on 09 June 2017 - 05:20 PM

Congratulations @Error, and @Ramon. Also welcome back to the team @Poor Level 3, and @Mewtwo


Hopefully @I just can is alright, and thanks for your time @6ixKid, you did a good job moderating the game while you were here.

#86095 Deadman World

Posted by Won Lolz on 30 May 2017 - 02:11 PM

If Omicron would consider this it would be cool, It's not necessary at the moment but if omicron has some time left then I'd support this.



This suggestion has already been declined before.



I've seen this suggestion before, but forgot if it got declined, or accepted. It should be prioritized in my opinion because people want to play RSPS for the fun PvP/Gambling aspects that they couldn't have had on OSRS. Some love the competition in the Hi-Scores as well, and others the achievement of doing everything on their own (Ironman game modes). This is literally the perfect way to balance all of these aspects, while maintaining everything else the game provides. Omicron has put a ton of effort into updates, and was the first RSPS with raids, and that itself is a huge feat. I wouldn't doubt that he could pull this off, and people underestimate how much this could increase Alora's player base. Very underlooked suggestion, should be prioritized considering the amount of content Alora already offers.

#85677 Staff Update 28 May 2017

Posted by Won Lolz on 28 May 2017 - 10:47 PM

Nice to see the server support team growing rapidly, and by no means are any of these server supports desperately picked, which is good to see because they can help keep the game cleaner, and give players a more enjoyable experience. Glad @Jare is sticking around, and I must say I'm very impressed on what he's done up until this point. Leave or stay, we respect your decision.


Aside from that congratulations on all the promotions, well deserved. With the recent resignations in the upper staff team, hopefully someone like @Ikta (if he regains passion to handle in-game duties) or @Twist bows / @Syntax can fill the void of global moderator in the near future. Great promotions all around, and sad to see @Saint Lucia (who did a great job with assisting @uTorrent with events, but getting burnt out happenes to the best of us) / @James go, but IRL comes first. Hopefully all is well for you guys, and maybe one day once everything is settled/passion for the game returns you guys can return, but until that happens, take care, and your time here is appreciated. 

#72636 Sorta small update?

Posted by Won Lolz on 18 April 2017 - 07:43 PM

I really like this suggestion as it doesn't really do any harm, and is a nice little feature to have in-game. It's nothing major, but it could save players a few seconds every trip.

#71798 Vouch Section

Posted by Won Lolz on 16 April 2017 - 01:26 PM

Didn't even notice that there wasn't a vouch section on the forums up until you pointed this out. This should definitely be added as it's more convenient and allows gamblers to build up their reputation in a more suitable way. You have my full support on this, not sure why it wasn't added, and as far as buying ranks is concerned I still think that should stay just in-case of scams that someone is able to receive a refund from the money they paid for their rank.