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Member Since 12 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2023 04:35 AM

#73974 Voting for HCIM

Posted by Fahrenheit on 22 April 2017 - 10:00 PM

I didn't know HCIs had this limit.  That totally sucks.  Being HCI is already a challenge in itself, but limiting dxp to just once every 12 hours seems really harsh.  What if you only have a specific timeslot you're able to play?  Then you might only be able to use a vote book once a day.  IMO, if there has to be a limit, it shouldn't be time-based but quantity based.  I.E. you can only use a vote book twice in 24 hours or so instead of once every 12 hours.  This lets people who can only play in specific blocks of time to use all their vote books up when they're actually playing.

#73299 Ardy Cloak and Karamja Gloves Rework

Posted by Fahrenheit on 21 April 2017 - 04:01 AM

So these are basically the best items to get from the achievement store (along with varrock armor) and mostly everything else really doesn't do anything significant.  However, I think it's kind of a waster to just have these two items be an exp boost as they lose much of their usefulness after you reach 99.  This is why I like the Varrock Armor that retains its usefulness in all of smithing.  So, I propose we add new effects to the cloak and gloves.


Cloak: 10% chance to steal another item from a stall

Gloves: 10% chance to give you extra Marks of Grace


This is following the format of the Varrock armor but the numbers are free to be tweaked.  This will make these items more relevant than just faster leveling, and most people will probably reach 99 thieving before they buy the cloak anyway.