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Member Since 17 Sep 2017
Previous Username: King purple
Offline Last Active May 02 2024 10:05 AM

#407497 Sarachnis Guide

Posted by KP on 25 August 2021 - 04:40 PM

Fuck me what a fantastic guide, can't wait to grind Sarachnis. Thank you Mark !

#407161 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by KP on 22 August 2021 - 05:35 PM

You come back to realism after a long break.  Find out you can't buy your way through. Complain about how TP doesn't sell as fast as you're used to... how items don't have set prices... So you try to get a suggestion passed to allow you to go to classic without transferring ranks, citing a bad eco as your primary reason.


No need to be upset and try to make me look like the bad guy, its ok to be wrong sometimes, it happens!
And I am not trying to loophole anything, its how de-ranking works, same goes with iron and all the other gamemodes, no need for that. You are better than that, right ? 
I never "bought my way", I never swapped and  I always grinded for my money. I understand why you are upset and its completely fine man, all good things like your agenda must come to an end, thats how life works.
Don't hate my friend, it never wins, just let people that are not happy move on!

PS: theres a lot of people that apprently had this issue for a long time, players that I have talked to that started playing after I quit, so theres no need for an attack/ acusation like that, but once again I understand!

(As it is clearly displayed in this thread, our friend alan mentions I want to skip the rank transfer step, wich is never a thing from "downgrading" a gamemode, you can literally do it ingame. Real alan and the small top 1% seem to be really upset about how I approached the problems that the trading post has, while having 99% of the items I want / Need already, it confuses him so he accuses me of a lot of things and its fine! I will try my best to be the bigger man and stop replying to him because I really don't want this topic to be locked.)

#407156 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by KP on 22 August 2021 - 05:07 PM

I don't control prices mate.  I can only control the prices I am willing to let my items go for (as do you). No one is saying you must buy my items.  I would actually encourage you not to buy my items. Play it like an ironman and grind the items yourself, like the majority of players. If you want an item I have for sale, you should message me and show me a more realistic offer. If you think my prices are expensive, sell the same item at a lower price. I'm not the one that sets the final price of an item.  That's up the buyer. I'm just one of the few that's willing to supply.  


Yes you do control the prices:



"No one is saying you must buy my items.  I would actually encourage you not to buy my items" - that literally contradicts everything you said and the existance of a trading post.

" Play it like an ironman and grind the items yourself, like the majority of players." - That is literally the problem, this is not an ironman gamemode.


"If you think my prices are expensive, sell the same item at a lower price. I'm not the one that sets the final price of an item.  That's up the buyer. I'm just one of the few that's willing to supply." - that is literally how controlling an economy is defined, the small percentage of players that have most of the wealth will buy said items and put them back in for the ridiculous price. Mainly by helping players early on and then using them for your own benefit.


Judging by the replies from other players from here and my PM's , I am pretty sure the main flaws of the game have been identified, you just helped make the case. There is no point replying to it again, I think enough has been said and the issues with the games economy have been exposed enough. 

Just please give us the option to go to classic or make some changes to the way trading is done in this game, how to fix it I don't know, but going to classic would be a good Idea because as everyone can see, the game is being moulded after someones ideology, so is the economy. And no, I dont lack GP by any means, I just don't try to manipulate shit my way.
Thank you boys and sorry for this exchange, Just keep the topic going because I would really love to be able to buy something and feel like I am progressing on my account in terms of wealth, and not let my success and achievements on my account be determined by someone else.

#407150 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by KP on 22 August 2021 - 04:25 PM

You can even see who bought the uncut emeralds lol.
It is fine for you because you literally have a log to manipulate and control every price, hence why you dont want people to talk smack on it and something to be done about it my friend. It benefits you and a small group of very wealthy people, not the gamemode in general. It must be a lot of fun to define the price of things, but it shouldn't be a lot of fun to be a new player on the recieving end of it.


Edit: notice how you mention your time must be valued, but you told me to put my tier 91 slayer boots on the tp for 15M, HALF the price of your trident, and more than 3x less of your bandos items LOL.

#407146 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by KP on 22 August 2021 - 03:56 PM

@Real Alan "Lastly, regarding your PVM drops that you're struggling to sell, perhaps you should reduce your prices.

Once you consider the number of players that are also bringing in your PVM drops (supply)

and the number of new players that actually need the items (demand), it makes sense why your pvm items are harder to sell.

Take zulrah drops for example.  The barrier to entry is significantly lower than cerberus (1 slayer versus 90 slayer on a 2x game mode).

Once you have a blowpipe, you don't really need another.  

Therefor, you end up with more supply than demand, so you're forced to lower prices."



Doesn't matter about the requirement, it just doesn't sell most of the time, and when it does, it rarely is for cash. If i play a gamemode that I trade, I should be able to grind X to buy Y if I dont want to grind Y. 


WygwZ9d.png this is my super restore stack, I dont have a need for them, I was just giving an example.


f9ffGhP.png These are your super restores, still sitting there. It is not hard to farm these like @Realmungard said, but I should have the option to buy someting I don't want to grind for, it doesn't matter what it is. There are multiple examples of this. How do i tell my friends that they should join this gamemode if they gotta pay 100k per potion? It doesnt look like theres a lot of demand for any item whatsoever. You grind something, you will keep it like your gauntlet grind and thats perfectly fine, but I should have the option to pay for an item that i dont want to grind for like any other gamemode that you can trade on. This is not ironman and shouldnt be treated as such.
The only people that unfortunately fall for this are the ones at revs or new players that get completely demolished by all the prices in the gamemode.
But yeah the simple solution is to add the option to go to classic, wouldn't hurt anyone.


EDIT: Those boots are TWENTY MILLION less than the only one on the trading post.

#407076 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by KP on 22 August 2021 - 06:53 AM

What is your suggestion?: 

I believe that Realism Player should have the option do change to classic, as it feels like the natural option if they don't want to play the gamemode anymore.

Is this in OSRS?:


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Highly doubt it

How would this benefit Alora?:

It would make people play on the account they love without being crippled with difficulties they absolutely didn't sign up for.



As it currently stands, Realism is nothing more than a bigger GIM gamemode, with the other 90% of players killing revenants.
The economy is ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED. Theres barely any endgame items circulating, and supplies cost fortunes. Some of the players that have ludicrous amounts of GP simply use it to swap, or try to.
I respect this grind a lot, and the difficulties only small amounts of players managed to overcome, but when I personally picked this gamemode I didn't sign up for GIM with very low XP rates. The challenge in the gamemode was the XP rate, not trading for items. I don't find it a challenge to pay 80-100K for a super restore, while not being able to sell me PvM drop, unless I accept votebooks/boosters.
My Suggestion is to have an option for whoever wants, to change to the classic gamemode. The economy will only become worse, so a bit of a hot take would be that it is time to merge the economies. That would be disrespectfull for any legends that managed have insanely good accounts on the respective gamemode, so for now I would be very happy with the option to remain on a low XP rate gamemode, where I don't have to get absolutelly robbed if I want to buy something, and look at my PvM drops die out in the trading post.
To sum it up, I signed up to grind it out on a very challenging XP rate, not a Very challenging trading  post. I have been through this with classic already, and I didn't sign up for that either.

A small example, not the best but you get the point:





^ In no way shape or form did a realism player sign up to get extorted for every item, or to have no endgame items availiable to buy/sell.

Much love and thank you for reading it.  <3 

#406090 PVP Suggestions

Posted by KP on 12 August 2021 - 04:24 AM

Good stuff @Mhk , Support all of those ofc.

#391451 Accuracy Formula Clarification

Posted by KP on 08 March 2021 - 07:10 AM

mhmm yes i agree, numbers yes.  -_-

#377438 Feedback October 2020

Posted by KP on 19 October 2020 - 02:10 PM

Alora has something better than any other server has...the games best attribute is the community.
It must be preserved and empowered, otherwise the whole thing crashes. If you played other servers you can notice the difference in behavior and attitude on the communities..Alora is by far the best community, period.
With that being said, the polls need to be added, this game doesnt need another donator rank at all.
You can slow down the updates, but don't add a donator rank out of nowhere, and most importantly, keep your community updated on things. Make their opinions matter with polls, discussion threads etc.. 
I am certain players wouldn't mind longer update waits if they had a say in them, and if they were updated about it.

ly all

#358368 Moral Truth(MT) Feedback

Posted by KP on 08 June 2020 - 04:28 AM

What a pure soul, everyone loves you man. Never change, PLEASE.

#350248 [April] Community Awards

Posted by KP on 21 April 2020 - 04:54 PM




Best Event Manager: @Moe


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Code 002


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator: @Miya


Best Server Support: @MT


Most active on Discord: @Hellish


Most active In-game: 


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: @Mack


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: @Smiv


Overall Best Staff Member: @Mack






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: @Scuffed EIM


Most Active on Discord: @Gfxez


Most Active Overall: @Miya


Most Wealthy: 


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Mob


Most Friendly: @Ragragrag46


Most Respected: @God


Coolest Veteran:  @Banks


Best Helper: @Laardii


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK




Best PvMer: @Extremedanny


Best Raider: @7


Best Skiller: @Real Try


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @IM


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Smiv 's


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Dadletics


Best Elite Ironman: @7


Best Group ironman (Team): Yikers


Best Group Ironman (Player): yikers 


Best Realism Player: @Real Alan


Best Classic Player: @CL Shadow


Best GFX Designer: @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: @MCMUFFIN177



Good luck!

#348971 Hello c;

Posted by KP on 14 April 2020 - 07:10 PM

Ma man peehs  <3

#348117 The Pandemic From a Hypochondriac's brain

Posted by KP on 10 April 2020 - 09:23 PM

A lot of people are suffering from this pandemic, directly or not, but I am here to talk about the people that suffer from the mental health aspect.
As someone that suffers from Hypochondria/GAD/Depression, this is crippling me in ways it never did before, and I am healthy/ have no other health issues.

The point of this post is to try and help, even if its a little bit, everyone that is struggling with the mental part of all this.

As I am doing weekly therapy, and my country has been phenomenal when it comes to dealing with the pandemic, let me give you some tips:




Fearmongery sells, and it is needed to keep people in check, so the vast majority of the news you will hear are made to scare you, and keep you inside....unfortunately that happens for a good reason, we can't stop following all the guidelines, or the virus will win.


EX: "Oh this person was perfectly healthy and died" Well yes, it is what makes it sad about this virus, someone has to be the low % and it is incredibly sad. If you lost someone because of it, I am deeply sorry, feel free to PM me just to let it all out  (KP/Horus ingame)


- The chances of you getting the virus are high, and you might not even know you have it


The fatality rate between the age of 0-40 is 0.11%, We don't have a single death here in Portugal thats not 40+ Years old, BUT someone will be the 0.11%. We are locked inside our houses because we don't want to infect the elder, or even our parents that might have diabetes, asthma etc etc. Don't be selfish and stay inside nonetheless, Mcdonalds can wait, the Pub can wait, this fucking virus won't, he doesn't care if you are a semi-pro soccer player.


-It is literally flu/allergy season

You might experience some symptoms that are similar, DO NOT PANIC. I have allergies, but in my mind I am already infected and I think this will be the end of me. Try not to think like that, sounds easy but it really isn't (meditation helps me a lot, medication aswell).


-Most cases are mild, some of them you Don't even feel it

96% of the cases are mild, that doesn't mean you won't get something like the flu on steroids (THIS IS WORSE THAN THE FLU, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE DISEASE).

Big fatality rates come from countries that lack testing and only do it on patients that require medical help (the other 4%)

This is good and bad, this is the main reason we are on lockdown, use this thought as you want to, 96% of coronavirus cases are mild, but do not disrespect the problem or we will 100% lose control of it like it happened in some countries.


Some tips that get thrown around here in Portugal that from the conversations that I have been having from people that are not from here are not aware of:

Wash your hands often (duh)

all the obvious stuff that you hear

take of your shoes when you come from outside ( a lot of people don't do that)

Take your clothes after you go outside, wash them asap rocky.



(I am not a doctor, So I am simply talking from the conversations I had with my doctor and my therapist, also my unfortunate obsession that comes with health issues, due to my struggles).


To conclude the post, all I am trying to do is telling you that you are not alone with these issues, if you want to talk about it PM me ingame (KP/horus) or feel free to add me on discord! Purple#5940


Love you all, stay safe and everything will be ok! Wash your hands and Game on brothers, no better place to feel like a family than this game.

#347397 2 Years of ICE [EVENT]

Posted by KP on 07 April 2020 - 10:19 AM

Sign me up =)

#343210 [March] Community Awards

Posted by KP on 20 March 2020 - 01:20 AM




Best Event Manager: @Moe


Best Administrator: @God


Best Global Moderator: @Banks


Best Forum Moderator: @A


Best Server Moderator: @Dante


Best Server Support: @Miya / @MT


Most active on Discord: @Hellish


Most active In-game: @Hellish


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: @God / @Mack


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @God






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: @Scuffed EIM


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: @Noobair


Most Wealthy: 


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly: All of you


Most Respected: All of you


Coolest Veteran:  @7 / @Scuffed EIM 


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker: 


Best PvMer: @Banks


Best Raider: @Mack


Best Skiller: @Mob


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @IM


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Smiv


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Laardii


Best Elite Ironman: @7


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Hellish 


Best Realism Player:


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer: @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber: @DB Aspect


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: All of you.