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fiji water

Member Since 07 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2024 08:25 PM

#401200 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by fiji water on 28 June 2021 - 05:52 AM

Account Name (IGN) - GIM Fiji

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Juicebox#9617

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A



Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) -  N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - Roughly a year or two ago, I've been a long lasting member of the clan

What rank are you applying for? - Recruit

What are your strengths? - Activity, game IQ, friendliness within the clan and eagerness to help others, I excel in PVM content

What are your weaknesses? - PVP based content

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I feel like I deserve this rank because I am a veteran to both Alora as well as this community, I've been a member of the clan since my first year on Alora in 2017 on the account @fiji water  (this is the account I was a ranked member on) and during my time within the clan I've always kept to myself and avoided any confrontations, I've done everything I could to be friendly and helpful to each and every clan member, and do everything I can during interactions with players outside of the clan to get them to join the clan as well as to keep a good reputation for everyone within the clan.

#284536 Abyssal Tentacle Degrade

Posted by fiji water on 01 April 2019 - 07:40 PM

im neutral on this. i like it because of ur reasons above but  im against it because of how it would affect ironmen because normies can simply purchase a new tent although ironmen would have to get the rng to get a drop

#280490 Canifis Teleport

Posted by fiji water on 20 March 2019 - 06:29 PM

Should bring in a canifis teleport in cities because right now if you want to go collect mort myre fungi you have to use the slayer tower teleport.

#279951 Suggestion for "Smoke Devil"

Posted by fiji water on 18 March 2019 - 07:10 PM

Should be same as OSRS so NO SUPPORT Please use this format next time 



What is your suggestion?:

Is this in OSRS?:

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

How would this benefit Alora?:


The format isn't mandatory, but I do support this as although it isn't like OSRS I don't think everything should be like OSRS especially things that don't really change anything in terms of gameplay.

#244513 add portal nexus to the game?

Posted by fiji water on 16 December 2018 - 12:53 PM

Kinda hard to understand what you’re suggesting here, but if it’s some sort of other teleport to add to home like another teleport wizard I’d have to say no support.


on osrs the portal nexus is a big portal system that involves every teleport in the game. 


This isn't very important in alora because we have the teleport wizard. 


However, the nexus suggestion will make the teleport wizard at your home for a mass amount of law runes, an absurd amount.


This won't remove players from teleing to home because they still need to use the bank, and its not game breaking because the teleport wizard still exists for everyone, this is just a way to get places a couple of seconds faster if you don't need to bank.


I don't think it'd affect the amount of people at edgeville too much, simply because it's not important to have a nexus portal, you would have to obtain 50-100k law runes(I'd say is a fair amount) so you can save ~5 seconds. It's really for people who are going to tele home, and go straight to the teleport wizard, those players are NOT helping populate the home what-so-ever.

#243453 Either go all out in fixing bank evaluators or just remove it

Posted by fiji water on 13 December 2018 - 09:51 AM

Woke up to seeing my bank value went below 1b and i cried for a second but looked at the changes. They are fair changes, may I add, but there are still a bunch of items that are still worth 1gp according to the bank evaluator or just a lot lower than it's actual worth.





Berserker Ring - 1gp evaluator vs 13-15m TP

Ranger Boots - 1 gp evaluator vs 20m TP

Rune Darts  - 1 gp evaluator vs 1.3-1.5k each

All barrows items outside of the set ranges based off the item from 500k-2m TP, all 1gp each in evaluator

Occult Necklace - 700k evaluator vs 5-7m TP

Runite Bars - 1 gp evaluator vs 20-25k TP


#234561 Let's talk about Classic =)

Posted by fiji water on 13 November 2018 - 11:34 PM

Yeah something really needs to be done about this. Before EIM came out we had plenty of classic players, and now i dont really see any of them at all. And the sad part is that it took this post to really have me acknowledge that "hey, when was the last time i actually seen a classic account ingame?"


100% support

#231465 Earth runes as loot from Barrows

Posted by fiji water on 04 November 2018 - 08:08 PM

No support. This is not in osrs/rs at all and we all suffered to get earth runes some way. However I wouldn't mind seeing more earth runes from certain NPC's that already drop earth runes to be increased in loot, maybe for example if moss giants drop 27, instead they can drop 100 or so? That's just an example. 

To be fair one can also say that we should get all the shops at ironmen on osrs get on alora because its on there as well. Of course that's not the best idea, but not having it ingame keeps a good integrity for the game since alora, no matter how hard it tries, will not be osrs. This is another example. Both games offer different things that benefit their game.

#230922 My new signature

Posted by fiji water on 03 November 2018 - 02:31 PM



spent about 5-10 minutes on it but I like it :) if somebody wants something done just pm me

#218661 New Mini - Minigame?

Posted by fiji water on 20 September 2018 - 08:02 PM

Overtime this would be annoying to see and is basically just a test to see who can memorize and most and who can type the fastest. No support.


it wouldn't even get to the point where its memorized but somebody would ahk script the answers. 


It asks question A? Simple. Press the hotkey that gives the answer to question A and so forth for the other answers.


I don't give support for this but I really like the idea as it gives something to reward players for not afking and truly playing the game. Maybe have it do random mathematical equations?




482 x 345

1032 - 36



just have a script where it randomizes the integers and then randomly chooses what type of math problem to give, and then do it that way.

#217888 Add the Air Guitar emote for music cape

Posted by fiji water on 17 September 2018 - 04:55 PM

When you equip the music cape the skillcape emote should be the air guitar emote, since the cape activates the emote on osrs. was kind of a bummer to get the music cape and noticed that its JUST the cape.

#214581 Humidify

Posted by fiji water on 03 September 2018 - 09:35 AM

What is your suggestion?: Add the humidify spell into the game.

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: I assume not since wine making was just added.

How would this benefit Alora?: Would make a 2nd, faster method of wine making for players with the required magic level, and it requires players to train cooking and magic :)





#205319 Pking Skillers

Posted by fiji water on 28 July 2018 - 05:29 PM

the only skilling i agree with is killing ppl doing wilderness agility or something just because ur killing them to be a huge douche-canoe

#190670 Birdhouses

Posted by fiji water on 03 June 2018 - 05:23 PM

What is your suggestion?: To add the birdhouses currently in oldschool runescape as a good way to collect birds nests

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: It could help ironmen collect birds nests and this is just a thought but we could even improve on it from OSRS and have it give something else like tree seeds/herb seeds that depend on level. For example if you make a lower level birdhouse you get a tree seed that'd match that level, and the same with higher levels.

#186258 daily task streaks

Posted by fiji water on 17 May 2018 - 09:46 PM

It's a good idea but i wonder what HCIM players do to get the streak up? The only non wilderness hard task so far was 6 raids. All others were not really made for HCIM players because i totaly not going to risk my status in the wildy for just a shit daily task... So far it will take me already about 2 month+ to get my arclight and this would be another advantige for normal players at the daily tasks. 

As i said, good idea but hopefully also able for HCIM players :/



I don't know why we all have the same tasks anyways. our tasks should be unique to our player, and if they were I would of said tasks that can scale with your skills and even gamemode.



For example HCIM could get tasks that are reasonable for a HCIM to complete and elites with low stats in certain skills can get tasks that they can either do right then or get the level within that day to achieve.


Just remove current wilderness tasks for HCIM so they may have a fair chance at getting streaks.



This also goes for Elite Ironmen.


For example, if i'm 35 fishing and I get a task like catching 500 swordfish. that's realistic, it gives me a reason to go grab my fishing supplies and go grind out a skill in order to keep my daily task streak alive. 





Just my 2 cents on the current task system, its a really great idea but with everything can be improved. Of course this is a lot to add, but if we're going to do something lets go all out and do it the right way.