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Member Since 21 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2017 08:28 PM

#59342 More achievements / Comp Cape

Posted by Zoo on 05 March 2017 - 02:01 PM

I would love to see some of these implemented and perhaps separated into Easy, Medium, Hard, and Extreme tasks with corresponding achievement point payouts. This would mean that the achievement shop could be altered with the influx of new points and wants of players, but that could be revisited once the new system is put in place.

#58440 Rank Icons

Posted by Zoo on 01 March 2017 - 11:29 PM

Suggesting adding crowns to the forum users who have the ranks and donor icons to those who have the proper ranks as well. 

#58093 Host Rules

Posted by Zoo on 28 February 2017 - 07:16 PM

While gambling is the easiest way to make money, I think the rules should be universal (both internally and externally with regard to Alora). If BlackJack is a certain way on most other servers, the rules should carry over to Alora as should the 55x2. 


Standards keep everything in line and I can assure you that they would make the staff's job a lot easier.

#57551 Big List of suggestions :))

Posted by Zoo on 26 February 2017 - 03:56 PM

I love these ideas, especially the bank tab fix.

#57191 AFKing - Why it should be a rule

Posted by Zoo on 25 February 2017 - 06:58 PM

The more popular the server gets, the more crowded certain areas get (Wyverns, Cyclops, other common slayer areas). Most of these areas give both good/useful drops as well as provide an area that is currently AFKable. My suggestion is basically to make a rule to outlaw AFKing. It's frustrating to be trying to progress and actively play Alora with so many users just AFKing commonly assigned slayer monsters.




Edit: Could be solved by introducing an NPC aggression timer that prevents NPCs in a certain area from auto-attacking after ~15minutes?