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Flnal Wlsh

Member Since 15 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2018 05:08 PM

#20848 Event Manager

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 22 November 2016 - 06:06 PM

This is basically blanks job as CM.

#17471 Special Attack Icon | Client Sided Suggestion

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 14 November 2016 - 05:52 PM

I mean it's not hard pressing f5 but sure.

#10691 Trump Or Hillary ?

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 31 October 2016 - 11:57 AM

none because...



#10340 Pk suggestions

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 28 October 2016 - 11:10 AM

Here's a few pk-related suggestions:


-Add a scoreboard which displays top 10 pkers (with kills/deaths/kdr listed)

-Add commands (or ability to click option in quest tab) so that you can show your kills/deaths/kdr

-Remove skeletons/wizards north of edge wild


-Make it so you can't vengeance after the timer passes for the first vengeance.

-Make it so when you switch from whip+shield to a 2-handed weapon, the whip goes in the inventory first, before the shield. This isn't much of a problem but it's how it should be. The way it is right now is if you wear a 2-handed weapon, the shield goes in inventory before whip.

-Make it so you have to pay to get into the wilderness resource area, like in OSRS.

-Ballista speed got updated in osrs, so maybe increase the speed of damage of ballista?


-Add bolt rack in range shop? just makes using karils bow easier

#10263 Pre-Release Server Media

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 27 October 2016 - 12:16 PM

Looks good.

#9811 The Donating Situation

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 19 October 2016 - 11:27 AM

Omicron has said his answer and the decision has been made, no need to take this further.



#9761 The Donating Situation

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 18 October 2016 - 05:59 PM

I see where you're coming from, I mean some prices are pretty low in the Donator store, but the way you think isn't really accurate. 


What I mean is about the whips.. This is a private server which means one can get 85 slayer in one day, which one player could get 1+ whips in just one day. Whips aren't very rare and although that is irrelevant, my point is that they are $1.50 because I'm guessing the Owner(s) know that it's a reasonable price for a main weapon used for pking/bossing etc.


I already have an idea in my head of how much it will cost in-game (as it progresses through the days) so I'm also sure that nobody will donate for 20 whips for $30 just to sell it for in-game cash.. because $30 is a lot of money considering it will get you less than 1B gp.


Edit: I disagreed and I've never donated to an rsps in my entire life :D

#9304 Crowns Please.

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 06 October 2016 - 02:28 PM

Guess I am one of those in the minority group. My personal preference is to have crowns or some kind of image. Looks weird without, but that's because I am used to seeing them. 

No I feel you. I just prefer the look of an image as well.

#8874 Donations

Posted by Flnal Wlsh on 17 September 2016 - 10:45 AM

They would just donate again..

Donate again to lose again ;).


You guys can't really be complaining about donating for items... 99% of private servers have the option to donate for items, even the top ones lol.


Never ruined a server