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Member Since 19 Jul 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2022 03:07 PM

#85641 Staff Update 28 May 2017

Posted by Blank on 28 May 2017 - 05:24 PM

Hey guys,
Been a while since we've done a post, and we're kind of dropping a big one on you guys.



3rdage has been promoted to Server Moderator.

casual has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Iron Divine has been promoted to Server Support.

L E O N has been promoted to Server Support.

Monaco has been promoted to Server Support.

I just can has been promoted to Server Support.

Tabor has been promoted to Server Support.

Lapis Lazuli has been promoted to Server Support.

Freezed has been promoted to Server Support.

Cuddeh has been promoted to Server Support.



Sheep has been transferred to the forum moderation team, he is going on an internship and therefore his ingame activity will drop quite a bit. 
Twist bows has been transferred back into the server moderation team after finishing up his exams, and being able to return to ingame duties once again.




Jare has decided to step down from his administrator rank, but by no means does this mean he will no longer be taking part in the administration duties that we carry out behind the scenes, it does mean that he will no longer be carrying out in-game duties that are found in the administrator duties.


I would like to thank him personally, he's provided input on countless issues that have come up, and sometimes given me insight on issues that I was unaware of at the time, as we were handling them. He's also provided great input on all past, and current staff members and I am truly grateful for all the work that he has done for Alora and building the staff team with me and other administrators. 

Now this may sound that he is no longer taking part in those activities; he will be but these are mostly things that happen behind the scenes and therefore I am giving credit to where it is due, but our journey does not end here and hopefully we can see him return to the administrator team in the future. 


Saint Lucia has resigned from the global moderation team due to coming to a point where he was burnt out of Alora, we all have those periods in which we struggle to find the motivation to play. 


James has resigned from his server moderator position due to irl problems. He's been a great asset on the team for the time he's been here and we hope to maybe work with again someday. Until then, we wish him the best of luck and hope things work out.


Conor has been demoted from Server Support due to inactivity. 



Congrats to those promoted, and best of luck to those gone.


Alora Administration Team

#82230 Server Lottery

Posted by Fruit Pod on 17 May 2017 - 04:28 PM

Hey guys I've been playing for a couple days now and this will be my first post. So far I've seen a couple players hosting a lottery of some sort (pay a fee for a ticket) and I thought why isn't in the server itself. Most server's have a lottery of some type where it is in the server code. It could work like the well in the sense you put money into it. The more money you put in, the higher % chance you have of winning or it can be just a flat rate for everyone. Let me know your thoughts and if something like this already exists my bad. Cheers



-Fruit Pod

#81731 Recent Hackings

Posted by Ultistic on 16 May 2017 - 04:43 AM

Hey guys,


There are some rumors going around that a popular server's database was leaked (Don't be alarmed, it isn't ours). If you don't have 2FA activated onto your account we all HIGHLY recommend that you activate it today. Here is a guide on how to set it up - http://www.alora.io/...tication-guide/


We encourage you to activate 2FA so you have the highest level of protection on your account. If your account is hacked there will be nothing we can do as we have offered you security for your account. If you use the same password on ANY other services I suggest you change them to something unique that you don't use anywhere else even if you have 2FA activated. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to PM me directly on forums.



The Alora Administration Team

#81209 Development Blog #4: Construction progress

Posted by Omicron on 14 May 2017 - 12:32 PM

Hey guys,

I figured I'd keep everyone updated on recent developments on Alora, especially considering we haven't had a development blog in quite some time! As many of you are already aware, we've been working on finishing the final skill that is missing: Construction. This is a huge, huge task with many complexities that I'm currently in the process of understanding, but I'm very excited to complete this skill and to get it into the game as soon as possible for everyone to enjoy!

At this point, we're still technically in the early stages of development for the skill, as we're learning about how a lot of it is done and designing the project properly so that we have a clean, scalable and bug-free system. The focus at the moment is on the generation of the landscape, rooms/walls (including orientation) and objects such as furniture, doors, windows, trees, plants, etc. From there, we will focus on player-interactions to actually create these landscapes/rooms/objects and modify them. Finally, we'll focus on saving/loading, and the extras such as making sure that certain objects (teleport portals) function as intended, and that house options (eg. kicking players, building mode, etc) all work.

As mentioned earlier, we're still in the early stages and there is currently no ETA, but we're working at full speed to get this out as quickly as humanly possible :)

Of course, this will delay content update frequency, and we'll likely see more bug-fixes and small updates while we work on getting Alora's last skill finished and released.

Some media is shown below, although it is very basic and code-generated. This means that I didn't actually "create" the trees/house portal in-game. Nonetheless, we've made great progress so far and I can't wait until we've got more to show you guys!


Enjoy :)


#80785 Moving The Search Bar

Posted by Flipper on 12 May 2017 - 06:11 PM





To above/below




Or you could even replace the Media option on the top bar with Search having it in a drop down style.






Not a major suggestion nor something which will effect anything in a big sort of way. But it seems like a more suitable place, making it more visible to people wanting to search the forums.

#80705 Alora Clan chat

Posted by Riddle on 12 May 2017 - 11:41 AM

Make a second one; Players fill up chat.


Turn on a kick timer for inactivity within cc's. (10-15 minutes)

Currently there is an inactivity timer for your time log; There is no kick timer for your actual account. This being said, players will be in the clan chat without being near their computer.



Read my second comment on this forum post as well.

#78190 Official Hardcore Ironman Challenges

Posted by U mirin brah on 03 May 2017 - 11:55 AM

First hardcore Ironman to get 99 in all combat stats










#74012 Official Hardcore Ironman Challenges

Posted by HC Aelin on 23 April 2017 - 01:58 AM

All bosses killed  @uTorrent







Kalphite Queene91f92baf771a5b0a86cd98906379121.png

Bandos+Dag Prime+Vene+Kraken26c90fa87b79115a55b3987aaec36183.png



Jad+Dag Supreme+Scorpia+Vetionffab74ab4e47d7fa14b3aff169a224a4.png


Kbd(couldn't find it on my killcount paged0dda36c505a701d4196956f9f7487dc.png

Chaos Elemental


#73463 How to get to ALL dragons!

Posted by Saint Lucia on 21 April 2017 - 10:13 AM

What a great guide! Except for the "Red Dragons" section, the quicker way to get there is by using the steel dragon teleport. 


Still, amazing guide, bro. 

#73395 How to get to ALL dragons!

Posted by Ultistic on 21 April 2017 - 08:28 AM

Hey guys,


I get a lot of PM's on how to get to different types of dragons, this guide will show you how to get to every type of dragon on Alora.


Green Dragons (Wilderness)




Brutal Green Dragons





Blue Dragons




Brutal Blue Dragons




Red Dragons (Bring an Axe)




Brutal Red Dragons




Black Dragons




Brutal Black Dragons




Bronze Dragons




Iron Dragons




Steel Dragons



Mithril Dragons



Lava Dragons (Wilderness)



Skeletal Wyverns



King Black Dragon (Wilderness TELEPORT)








If i missed anything or need to add anything please let me know!

#71746 [4/16/17] 2017 Easter event, Wilderness Slayer Master and more!

Posted by Jasmine on 16 April 2017 - 11:44 AM

Happy Easter!!! Thanks for the amazing update and for your constant dedication, we appreciate it :)

#71220 Just curious, What makes you come back and play alora?

Posted by Irvo on 15 April 2017 - 08:38 AM

Probably the content Alora offers. I have played plenty RSPS in the past but Alora is just superior. Another factor is @uTorrent - all the events he does bring the community together.

#69589 Old Password(s) But New Here?

Posted by Blank on 11 April 2017 - 01:41 PM

Hey everyone,


Repost of the topic that @Lowkey made a while back. Seeing quite a bit of you are new here, but still use passwords you used from older communities. So here's a fair piece of warning: 


Recently some players have reported losing their items due to someone else knowing their passwords, in other words getting hacked. This is likely due to those players reusing passwords between different games and communities. Many of those other communities have been leaked in the past making it easier for hackers to get a hold of your information. We encourage you to activate 2FA so you have the highest level of protection on your account. If your account is hacked there will be nothing we can do as we have offered you security for your account.


(You can change your password via forum)



The Alora Administration Team

#68657 Official Hardcore Ironman Challenges

Posted by Recia on 09 April 2017 - 12:25 PM

Easy achievements done. 








09/04 - 2017


EDIT: https://gyazo.com/3d...ad55082b620e039

#68290 Official Hardcore Ironman Challenges

Posted by Iron Zerk on 08 April 2017 - 04:04 PM


@Dej They have the ability to unlock several achievements from the ironman NPC.

First HCIM to recieve 25m xp in a non-combat skill