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Member Since 11 Jun 2022
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2022 01:54 AM

#433106 Favourite pet

Posted by Randell on 08 June 2022 - 04:27 PM

Mine would definitely have to be Vorki!  :withlove:

#374168 Enabling 2-step verification

Posted by J boogs on 25 September 2020 - 11:36 AM

Two-factor Authentication (2FA) provides and extra layer of security for your account, generating a code which you need to enter once you login. If you have 2FA set-up, and fail to provide the code, you cannot have full access to the account.

Once enabled, you have to initially enter a code to login to the Forums and In-game. It is strongly recommended to have 2FA enabled.



There are multiple ways you can link 2-step verification to your Alora account. You can do this via a PC or your Smartphone.


I recommend using google authenticator app through your smart phone, it's simple and super convenient. 


If you wish to use a computer instead, you can start the process here: 



With you enabling a 2fa linked with your account, your not only securing your account from being compromised but also receiving many bonuses in-game when having this feature activated. 


Bonuses offered:

Bonus Experience (50% boost) - 60 minute duration

Bonus Raid Points (5%) - 45 minute duration

Bonus PK Points  (25%) - 45 minute duration

Bonus Slayer Points (15%) - 45 minute duration

Bonus Barrows Points (25%) - 45 minute duration

Bonus Pest Control Points (25%) - 45 minute duration

Bonus Castle Wars Points (25%) - 45 minute duration

Bonus Mahogany homes points (15%) - 45 minute duration

Lake Molch Pearl bonus (15%) - 45 minute duration



How to actually enable 2fa

Note; The examples below will be using Google Authenticator app on a Iphone.


Apple download: https://apps.apple.c...tor/id388497605


Android/Samsung/Google play store download: https://play.google....cator2&hl=en_US


Step 1

On the Alora forums, being signed into the account you want to activate 2fa onto, left click your username in the top right section of the forums and you should see a dropdown called "Two-Step Authentication", click that.

Once opened, you should see it say Enable Two-step Authentication again, click that and a screen should pop up like so:


As you can see there is a QR code you normally can just scan and be good to go, if this method works for you, great but it's unlikely. Personally and many others have to manually type in the 18 digit code, I would just manually do it anyway. 


Step 2

Now if you go onto your authenticator app, tap the + button in the top right of the screen near the pencil and then hit manually enter or QR read if that option works for you. (Guide sake, I've just clicked manually enter.) Enter the name of your username for personal tracking purposes under the "account" and type in the 18 digit code under the "Key" section shown below.



Also note; You MUST type the code in capital letters or it will not work. Also be sure you are inputting the code exact how it's displayed, one typo won't work so take your time.


Step 3

Once the correct key is inputted, it should automatically set up and create that authenticator code. Once the code is produced, go back to the Alora forums where you still should be from Step 2, input the code into the security code section and it should give you a message congratulating you for successfully linking 2fa with your account. 




Once you've done this, your Two-step authentication should be connected to your account. You may need to relog if you were already log in while doing this process for it to take full affect. You will need to type this code in every time you either sign in-game or onto the Alora forums but there's a option to allow select PC's to remember it for 30 days.


Removing 2-step authentication is the same way you set it up, you would just go into your account settings, type in the code from the authenticator app and confirm. If you lost access to your authenticator app, fill out a thread here to have it force reset: https://www.alora.io...count-recovery/


If this guide didn't help you, you can check out another 2fa enabling thread found here: https://www.alora.io...tication-guide/


If you are having issues with your code, check out this guide here: https://www.alora.io...related-issues/


If nothing seems to be working, create a technical support thread here: https://www.alora.io...hnical-support/


Hope this helped clear the air for those who were unaware of this feature.




          J boogs