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#455252 How a Penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail

Posted by Real Alan on 13 March 2023 - 03:48 PM

Fuck this game and log out.  Ty GLHF.


I will certainly take your advice and log out.

The difference between you and me is... I like to make my issues know first before leaving.


Also, addressing point #3, To gain never warned me (and I am not leaving that out).

This issue could have been handled with a simple warning, but staff feel a need to flex their pp size for some reason.

#446705 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by Dad on 29 November 2022 - 01:50 PM

Strongly disagree with this idea, just play classic if you are looking for a slower xp rate and a normie economy. 

#446704 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by Smackingthat on 29 November 2022 - 01:50 PM

If you see who voted for yes, 99% of them are not maxed on realism.


If you choose realism, please grind. Gimslaving got maxed in 25+ days without buying any kind of items on realism!(almost everything by himself) J boogs got in 30+ days...


It's not interesting, if you can buy everykind of item in TP!

Ruining realism economy means - all people who was grinding items for a years they just will quit, because its no reason to play that gamemode, if you can instantly donate 100% and you can buy a TBOW or other stuff.


My opinion - NO SUPPORT


P.S. - If you cant buy everything in tp, grind it and try to get by yourself  :P

#446703 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by Realmungard on 29 November 2022 - 01:07 PM

Okay, as someone who has been playing realism for nearly entirity of his playtime. I can only say big no to this for a few reasons.


Realism has some of the sweatiest gamers and a lot of the achievements come from grinding for your supplies. I personally would instantly quit the server as the last challenge game mode for me is gone at that point. I feel like a lot of people just vote yes because they want to max realism from the bank buying out all normie supplies and just max easily.


We already got a low exp normie mode being classic. And that mode is completely devaluated by being able to buy uncuts/herbs/seeds and so much more and spam 200ms in a super fast and easy way.


And then im not even talking about realism players getting 3rd of the gp from caskets/revenant emblems/ensouled heads. Which pretty much result in me losing out on 5b+ just from rev gp drops. Probably another 1b in caskets from slayer and another 500m from ensouled heads from doing 15k greater demons/abbysal demons just for 99 slayer.


Ex. Phanny phart would pretty much instantly quit his grind to 4.6b as of now he is/was using 2 different accounts to fund his entire 200m grinds. (He has over 4b realism exp on slayer/woodcutting/mining and rc and slayer alts) And that’s just one of the sweaty players, not even talking about kurfue, alan, Denmark, cheese, myself, exe, trumpwonbro.


Doing the realism merge will only result in 95% of realism community quitting the server cus it pretty much completely deletes all incentive to play the mode, and they’ll just end up leaving alora. And I love how not a single yes vote is someone with a realism account.


And to answer the ironman remarks of some here. If you guys played the fresh start worlds were blowpipes were 50m also at start. A lot of endgame realism players just collect their stuff for 200ms. I personally did sarachnis for 99 crafting. And I only did that dead boss which I would’ve never done for the sole purpose of getting supplies.


Tl:dr. It’d be great memes. But it would honestly result in most realism players quitting the game and move to other servers/games. And Ill definitely be one of them. Also I love how not a single person who plays realism have voted yes. And the reasoning from most pretty much all comes down to "Its too hard for me to get the forum award". Alot of realism players pick the seperate econ for the sole purpose of every drop meaning something to their account progression.

#446669 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by 1 on 29 November 2022 - 08:06 AM

Reasons why I think this is a bad idea and shouldn't be implemented:
- Realism exp rate is already very close to the Classic exp rate
- The change would effectively half the bank value of every Realism player
- The vote is being made by players that don't even play the gamemode
- A lot of players do enjoy the separate economy

In summary I would rather a few players be forced to play a slightly higher exp rate gamemode in Classic than ruin the game experience for what is probably a significant amount of old players.

#455251 How a Penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail

Posted by gim crohn on 13 March 2023 - 03:34 PM

This has 4 layers of cringe and allow me to elaborate


  1. Cringe from Player Staff Team in general, as this was likely voted on and I PERSONALLY know multiple of you who've used this safespot specifically in instances with your mates. Yes, Alan may be viewed as a dislikable person for many reasons but the hypocrisy is wild. Also muting him for being annoying (which yes you probably were being annoying Alan) to staff is just pathetic. Police shouldn't have the right in a game or in real life to just use their powers to circumvent or punish someone for someone being annoying or rude to them - that's their job. 
  2. Cringe from Developers for having multiple updates pass and not fixing this. I'm certain this has been reported and if it hasn't as it's breaking game rules and is punishable staff should be responsible for reporting and seeing to it getting fixed not the players who are liable to be punished for using it because then it becomes a game of "oh I was just testing it to get video/photo evidence to post the bug report" and no staff member could prove otherwise. 
  3. Cringe from @To gain for specifically allowing it then punishing him for doing it without so much as a warning (now this one is tentative because it's possible he warned him and Alan is leaving this out.)
  4. Cringe from @Real Alan for having so much goddamn free time that he's able to make this long of a post about a penguin in jail (and muted) for using a safepot. Personally I would have just laughed and said what I always do - Fuck this game and log out. 


#455250 How a Penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail

Posted by beans n cake on 13 March 2023 - 03:14 PM

This was long so kinda skimmed through it but TLDR is you got jailed for safe spotting Nex? If so that's brutal. Seen staff member(s) do this and was showed this a few weeks ago for the first time in an instance with a staff member present and doing it

#455249 How a Penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail

Posted by Real Alan on 13 March 2023 - 02:55 PM


Today, while doing master clues, I got randomly jailed by the staff team (@Ivy and @To gain)

What for?

For safe spotting nex, according to staff.

What did I actually do though?
To answer that, we'll need to go back in time.

While doing the drop rate calculations for nex, I realized that you only need to do 100 damage at nex to qualify for a roll on the unique drop table.

The MVP gets a small 1.2x bonus, while everyone else (rank 2 damage to rank last damage) all have the same odds at a drop.

As a result, I devised a plan to consistently get rank last damage with minimal effort.
If the rank 2 damage gets the same reward as rank last damage, why work that hard?
Blame the system. Don't blame the player.

Anyways, how might one do that?

Simple! Zaryte crossbow spec has 75 accuracy and will always hit 110 damage if the attack lands. If I can land 1 of those, I should be all set.

I could do this at the start and launch a zaryte crossbow spec at nex; however, nex has much higher ranged defense than her 4 mages. Plus nex likes to drag aggresive players into the center.

As a result, I decided to dump my spec on one of the 4 mages.

First, I started by targeting the last of the 4 mages. However, 1 out of 4 attempts resulted in a miss and sometimes I couldn't get the minimum 100 damage in afterwards.

So, I changed the plan.

I switched to the first mage. This way if I missed, I still had sufficient time to do the bare minimum 100 damage.

Here's how the plan worked.

1. Camouflage with the icy nex environment by morphing in a penguin with the clock work suit.
This will help me blend in with the mass.

2. Stand in the first mage's quadrant. I stood 1 tile next to the first mage to maximize my distance from nex (in the center). Nex has limited attack range, so this will minimize the incoming damage.

3. Unload 1 zaryte crossbow spec the second the first mage becomes attackable. If 100+ damage, morph back into a penguin. If not, continue attacking nex until 100 damage. Then return to penguin form.

4. Wait around while the nex mass moves to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mages. This will drag nex far away from me and allow me to eliminate incoming damage.

Now that I had a plan in place, there was only 1 thing left to do.
Confirm with the staff and administrators that this method was allowed.
Here's how our chat went.


Now fast forward 2 weeks.
I'm working on some master clues, only to be teleported straight into jail.
No discussion, whatsoever.

When attempting to discuss... this is what happens.


According to staff, I broke the safe spotting rule.

Here's the issue with that though.
I only hit nex's mage 1 time.
Nex's mage hit me back 1 time.
Then I transformed back into a penguin.
I never even hit Nex (unless I missed my spec)

Imagine getting jailed for safe spotting nex, when you don't even attack nex.
According to staff, it's because I was standing on a certain bugged tile.

I didn't trap Nex. I didn't attack Nex. I just stayed while nex ran away from me and chased the rest of the mass to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mages. This is clearly not safe spotting.

My problem with this is... if the tile is bugged -> it's staff's responsibility to let players know not to stand on that tile (or to just block that tile off entirely)

To gain failed to mention which tiles were off limits.
There's no way a new player would know that standing next to a mage is bannable.
It's completely allowed in OSRS. How else do you melee the magers?

I'm just an innocent penguin that's playing the game in my own creative manner.
How am I supposed to know that standing next to a mage is a bugged spot?

I was aware that standing next to the 3rd mage could cause nex to bug into a wall, so I avoided that. I even tried to avoid breaking any rules by first confirming with staff before doing it.


And that boys... is how a penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail. 

#471323 TOB scaling

Posted by Arclow on 27 October 2023 - 02:31 PM

Support this suggestion. Below are my reasons and personal opinions before I get slated by some has been.

I don’t see any negative effect on the server by making this change. The player base is 80-90% ironman category based and there’s no real economy to damage by making ToB more achievable with new players. Raids are grinded by the majority of players on this sever for account progression over obtaining items to sell.

All players that have been here for some time should relish and support the suggestions that are made to increase potential new players rather than sit there and watch the daily player count drop.

#471322 TOB scaling

Posted by To gain on 27 October 2023 - 02:27 PM

Personally i feel like TOB should scale for duo parties (NOT solo), scaling the hp changes nothing to the difficulty of the raid overall, since less players = less dps, making it no different then 3-4-5 man raids.

To get a tob party going and keep it going at the moment (needing 3-5) ppl is next to impossible most of the times.

It doesnt hurt the game, it doesnt change any of the mechanics , all that would happen is scale the hp down by a little and hopefully make tob more active.

#471320 TOB scaling

Posted by gim crohn on 27 October 2023 - 02:04 PM

Nah at this point you're strawmanning I've literally explained it multiple times how lower hp (AKA SCALING CHANGES) lowers the barrier of completion for new, less skilled, or less equipped players making it easier to have more people learn as they require less players in their party to do attempts and potential completions allowing progress to be made towards closing the wide skill(and network) gap.

Your issue clearly is with me personally and I suggest you use the PM system to tell me about your issues with me. I won't read or reply but feel free to use it.

#471318 TOB scaling

Posted by gim crohn on 27 October 2023 - 01:35 PM

@Mack Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most useful).

What harm does it cause players to have to redo speedruns

@Mack Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most useful).

What harm does it cause other than make players to have to redo speedruns

#471317 TOB scaling

Posted by The Inferno on 27 October 2023 - 01:32 PM

TOB isn't the hardest content in the game, PvP is


Also the people saying no to this suggestion don't even do duos lmao, they do 4-5 man raids with boosting service, so I don't see what the issue is here? We're not asking 3-5 man TOB to be easier

#471316 TOB scaling

Posted by Heavenfall on 27 October 2023 - 01:24 PM

lmaoo Mack on a personal mission right here to fuck 98% of the Alora players, why should we cater to the wishes off one individual. If u want to sweat and 2 tick TOB by all means go play OS.

#471313 TOB scaling

Posted by St8 on 27 October 2023 - 01:04 PM

No way the gatekeepers are saying no support lollllll