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Member Since 20 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Oct 03 2023 10:14 AM

#446716 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by Trailerpark on 29 November 2022 - 03:55 PM

I started playing Realism 350 days ago, and I am by no means an eco holder, nor am I a prominent player.

Just a casual Realism player with a sub 1300 total level cd192e0f070e400d657bff657c2d213b.png


I'm replying to this topic, hoping to represent the non-elite of Realism realism2.png



Now I know that this merge isn't supported by some of the old heads that play realism, and let's talk about why, but also let's not decide the fate of the game-mode on less than 5 people who have played it long term. A merge is about helping the community grow because I truly feel like people would want to play this game-mode if it wasn't for the simple fact that they're not a part of the rest of the economy.



I knew that this would not be supported by the small majority of major stakeholders in realism, and I addressed that part too. Once the stakeholders stop playing, realism is dead without a merge. Only a few people are keeping it alive right now, because new people don't want to join it. Classic was merged 4 years ago, and if it weren't for that, there'd be no classic players on Alora right now. With a playbase of 500 on a good day, having multi economies isn't sustainable. As I stated earlier, we shouldn't gatekeep a whole game-mode just for a few elites.


I don't wish for an economy merge

I believe listening to the "5 people who have played it long time" is worthwhile!

Like you said: "Only a few players are keeping it alive right now"

They've created a brilliant community full of helpful and including players.


I personally believe that the split economy is beneficial for the survival of Realism. A merge would mean the end :FeelsHangMan:

The majority of RSPS players wish for fast progress - that's why players steer clear of the gamemode. Not because of inflated prices.



No support



To anyone reading this: consider creating a Realism account and share your journey with the "sweatiest gamers" :FeelsBigbrain: of Alora or whatever Realmungard said :TopKek:

#378531 Tithe Farm

Posted by Trailerpark on 27 October 2020 - 04:05 PM



Tithe Farm


Bologano_seed.png?68e0c Requirements Bologano_seed.png?68e0c
A seed dibber



A shovel



Watering cans



Level 34 Farming



Bologano_seed.png?68e0c Recommendations Bologano_seed.png?68e0c

A Xeric's talisman (charged) or Farmer's blessing

Xeric%27s_talisman.png?f2986 + Lizardman_fang.png?b6d0b                                               Honourable_blessing.png?6f6a2


Level 74 Farming



Graceful outfit or Farmer's outfit

69px-Graceful_outfit_%28Hallowed%29_equi                 51px-Farmer%27s_outfit_%28female%29_equi55px-Farmer%27s_outfit_%28male%29_equipp



Example of setup:





Bologano_seed.png?68e0c Getting started Bologano_seed.png?68e0c

Use the charged Xeric's talisman to teleport to Xeric's glade, and make your way south-east to Tithe Farm.





When you arrive at Tithe Farm there's a seed table in the north-eastern corner of the lobby.


Pick the seeds suitable for your Farming level.





You grab 100x seeds from the table

If you do well, you should have 100x fruits at the end

 Golovanova seeds / fruits
                            Golovanova_seed.png?7be89         Golovanova_fruit.png?7505e

   Bologano seeds fruits
                           Bologano_seed.png?68e0c         Bologano_fruit.png?49e98

  Logavano seeds fruits
                           Logavano_seed.png?abc53         Logavano_fruit.png?7505e



Plant the seeds in the large Tithe patches within the farm
Seed_dibber.png?e60de Logavano_seed.png?abc53                                                                 

Water the crops until they're fully grown and harvest the fruit
Watering_can%288%29.png?ca7c2 Watering_can%288%29.png?ca7c2 Watering_can%288%29.png?ca7c2                                                                                                    Spade.png?5ffe3 Logavano_fruit.png?7505e    





The first 74 fruits that you deposit, grants no points.
For every fruit after, you gain one point. This means that you can earn up to 
26 points per 100 seeds.



Golovanova_fruit.png?7505e   Bologano_fruit.png?49e98   Logavano_fruit.png?7505e

Deposit the fruits in the sack




Warning: Do not leave the farm or log out until you've deposited, otherwise you will not receive any rewards.







The plants grows in intervals of one minute.

If they're not watered within that time, they will die.


This means, that from the time you plant the first seed, you must plant as many seeds as possible, and return to the first seed to water it within a minute.


There are many ways of doing this, try out different methods to see what works for you!




Once you've planted the seeds - go to the first seed you planted and water the saplings in the order you planted them in.

When you've harvested the fruit, re-fill your watering cans at the water barrels






16 seeds

Doing runs of 16 seeds will give you an idea of the minigame - when you're comfortable you can plant more



Nokia Snake run                                                                              Zig zag run     







Easy & Hard

5x20 & 4x25


When planting 20 or 25 seeds, you want to cancel animations to save game ticks.

As soon as you plant a seed - move on to the next patch



The Tithe patches are 3x3 squares - plant near the borders of the patch to save time.

Here are two methods for planting by the edge of the patches.


Edge run

Plant on green tiles, run to the next pair and repeat


Square run

Run to the green tile, plant on greenyelloworange and red then run to the next green tile and repeat



     Edge run                                                     Square run



The squares are located near the edge of the patches
















  Edge run                                                                         Square run















Alternative 4x25


Rate my MS paint skills  





As I post this, the southernmost single patch is bugged, DO NOT use it

The patch should be fixed in the next update






Re-fill your watering cans in between runs


195px-Watering_can_detail.png?b706b          110px-Water_barrel.png?8e097          195px-Watering_can%288%29_detail.png?ed0





Although it's possible to plant more than 25+ seeds per run, it wont reduce the time it takes in total, unless you can plant more than 33+ seeds per run.










In the lobby you'll see an elderly farmer who goes by the name Farmer Gricoller.

Gricoller will exchange your Tithe Farm points at atrocious rates to feed his writing addiction




Some of the rewards are exclusive to the Tithe Farm rewards shop







Compost.png?b981b Compost

Increases yield


Supercompost.png?37d58 Supercompost

More potent version of compost


Grape_seed_5.png?0ebe5 Grape seed

Can be planted in the vinery to harvest grapes


Bologa%27s_blessing.png?3d76c Bologa's blessing

Converts grapes into Zamorak's grapes when harvested


Farmer%27s_strawhat.png?1008b Farmer's strawhat

Grants 0,4% bonus Farming experience 2.5% when wearing the full Farmer's outfit


Farmer%27s_jacket.png?a4894 Farmer's jacket

Grants 0,8% bonus Farming experience 2.5% when wearing the full Farmer's outfit


Farmer%27s_boro_trousers.png?a4894 Farmer's boro trousers

Grants 0,6% bonus Farming experience 2.5% when wearing the full Farmer's outfit


Farmer%27s_boots.png?1ef5c Farmer's boots

Grants 0,2% bonus Farming experience 2.5% when wearing the full Farmer's outfit


Gricoller%27s_can.png?e5e8b Gricoller's can

Acts as a watering can but holds 1,000 charges. Can be refilled at a water source


Seed_box.png?42a52 Seed box

Stores any amount of up to 6 different seeds


Herb_sack.png?55ceb Herb sack

Stores up to 30 of each type of grimy herb


Weeds.png?bb76e Auto-weed

When enabled, weeds will no longer grow in your farming patches (Can be turned on/off)





Tithe Farm came in the most recent update

For specific information regarding experience and grape farming, give the full update a read here: [23/10/20] Tithe Farm, Mahogany Homes, Eternal Donator Rank, Lottery & More!



Thank you for reading


#378017 Mahogany Homes

Posted by Trailerpark on 24 October 2020 - 09:14 PM



Mahogany Homes

Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Requirements Construction_icon.png?f9bf7
A saw
A hammer
Steel bars



Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Recommendations Construction_icon.png?f9bf7

A Xeric's amulet (charged)

Xeric%27s_talisman.png?f2986 + Lizardman_fang.png?b6d0b


Graceful outfit


Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Getting started Construction_icon.png?f9bf7
Start off by speaking to Amy in the house east of the Falador Estate agent.
Amy explains that aside from her branch in Falador, there are contracters located in East Ardougne, Hosidius and Varrock
Once you've accepted a task from Amy, you can accept tasks from any of the contractors.

Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Contracts Construction_icon.png?f9bf7
You can choose contracts based on your construction level
The more difficult the contract, the more experience and points it yields.
Beginner contract:

  • Uses regular planks Plank.png?d096f and steel bars Steel_bar.png?47c87
  • Awards 2 carpenter points

Novice contract:

  • Uses Oak planks Oak_plank.png?f6d05 and steel bars Steel_bar.png?47c87
  • Awards 3 carpenter points

Adept contract:

  • Uses Teak planks Teak_plank.png?9ae4d and steel bars Steel_bar.png?47c87
  • Awards 4 carpenter points

Expert contract:

  • Uses Mahogany planks Mahogany_plank.png?c365c and steel bars Steel_bar.png?47c87
  • Awards 5 carpenter points



Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Clients Construction_icon.png?f9bf7

The clients are located in the same cities as the Mahogany Homes branches.

Clients are chosen independently regardless of contractors.






>> Here's an overview of the location of the clients as well as the materials needed to fix their homes <<

East Ardougne:

Ardougne_Teleport.png?5b0f1 Normal spellbook to Ardougne






Mole_claw.png?66afc Teleport wizard -> Bosses -> Giant mole

Falador_Teleport.png?5f472 Normal spellbook to Falador






Xeric%27s_talisman.png?f2986 Xeric's talisman -> Xeric's Glade






Varrock_Teleport.png?f1569 Normal spellbook to Varrock

Multicombat.png?94b13 or Teleport wizard -> PVP -> Varrock (multi-combat) -> South





Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Mahogany Homes Reward Shop Construction_icon.png?f9bf7

By speaking to Amy you can access the reward shop

The content of the shop is exclusive and can't be acquired elsewhere






Amy%27s_saw.png?2d4eb Amy's saw

Equipable saw that saves an inventory space


Plank_sack.png?775eb Plank sack

Holds up to 28 planks of any type and can be used for construction from the sack


Hosidius_blueprints.png?775eb Hosidius blueprints

Unlocks a Hosidius-themed house style


Carpenter%27s_helmet.png?2d4eb Carpenter's helmet

Grants 0,4% bonus Construction experience 2.5% when wearing the full Carpenter's outfit


Carpenter%27s_shirt.png?2d4eb Carpenter's shirt

Grants 0,8% bonus Construction experience 2.5% when wearing the full Carpenter's outfit


Carpenter%27s_trousers.png?2d4eb Carpenter's trousers

Grants 0,6% bonus Construction experience 2.5% when wearing the full Carpenter's outfit


Carpenter%27s_boots.png?2d4eb Carpenter's boots

Grants 0,2% bonus Construction experience 2.5% when wearing the full Carpenter's outfit






Mahogany Homes came in the most recent update

For specific information regarding experience and the supply crate, give the full update a read here: [23/10/20] Tithe Farm, Mahogany Homes, Eternal Donator Rank, Lottery & More!


Thank you for reading

#369528 Extended super antifire potion

Posted by Trailerpark on 24 August 2020 - 02:43 PM





What is your suggestion?: 

The ability to create Extended super antifire potions



Is this in OSRS?:




Level 98 Herblore




Super antifire potion + Lava dragon scale (1 scale per dose)

Super_antifire_potion(4).png?6a146                                      Lava_scale_shard_4.png?a3d08                                   



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


It has however been suggested already: Extended Super Anti-Fire Potions by Do Not RWT


Although already suggested, I'm suggesting it again, due to recent updates:

As of the update on the 10th of June, regular extended antifire potions was implemented.
This was suggested by GIM Disp at Normal extended antifires




Extended Antifire potions: Players can now make extended antifire potions. To do so, players must use lava scale shards on a regular anti fire potion. This requires 1, 2, 3, or 4 shards based on the doses you’re making, and will provide 27 experience per dose, with a maximum of 110 Herblore experience for making 4-dose potions. The extended antifire potion works the same way as the regular antifire potion, however it lasts for 12 minutes as opposed to the normal 6.


Read the update in its entirety here: [9/6/20] Darkmeyer, ToB Drop rate buff, CoX updates, Achievement diary changes, Summer Sale and more!




How would this benefit Alora?:

Seeing as regular extended antifire potions has been added just recently, it only seems natural to also add extended super antifire potions.

I don't necessarily believe, that just because it's in OSRS it must be in Alora ~ but this will only benefit the server.


Here's a few good reasons

~It will give greater incentive to farm Lava dragons for their scales, bringing more life to the wilderness~


~By extending the duration of super antifire potions, players can use less superior dragon bones, making it a great QOL feature~


~Seeing as extended super antifire potions has the highest Herblore_icon.png?ffa9e Herblore requirement of any potion, it may become a good way of training it past 99~






OSRS Wiki links

Click on the icon or the text to read more


Super antifire potion



Extended super antifire potion 



Antifire potion



Extended antifire potion



Lava dragon scale shards



Crushed superior dragon bones





Thank you for reading


#367739 Leafy attribute

Posted by Trailerpark on 13 August 2020 - 10:36 AM

Slayer suggestion

What is your suggestion?:

Have monsters with the Leafy attribute be immune to all but leaf-bladed weapons.


This includes the following monsters:

They will only be able to take damage from the following weapons:
Leaf-bladed_battleaxe.png?537d8 Leaf-bladed battleaxe
Leaf-bladed_spear.png?96cbd Leaf-bladed spear
Leaf-bladed_sword.png?55232 Leaf-bladed sword
Broad_arrows_5.png?7488c Broad arrows
Broad_bolts_5.png?e50a2 Broad bolts
 Slayer%27s_staff_%28e%29.png?5364b Slayer's staff and Magic Dart Magic_Dart.png?e04a1



Is this in OSRS?:


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


How would this benefit Alora?:


Before you dismiss this suggestion as an inconvenience, let me remind you that this is a feature in OSRS, hence it will make Alora more OSRS-like.

Also it'll only affect two monsters + a superior version - no biggie.



Secondly, it brings incentive to utilize the many leaf-bladed weapons that are available in the slayer equipment tab.

It'll bring about more variety, rather than using abyssal tentacle Abyssal_tentacle.png?75cc9 for almost every task.


Much like using dragonbane weapons against draconic monsters and demonbane weapons against demonic monsters.

The Leaf-bladed sword and battleaxe are included in the slayer collection log.
                                     Leaf-bladed_sword.png?55232                  Leaf-bladed_battleaxe.png?537d8
That's because they're supposed to be coveted drops, at the moment, not so much.

Alora has come super far with the recent slayer updates

It now requires a rock hammer to finish off Gargoyles, it requires a bag of salt to finish off Rockslugs.

                                 Rock_hammer.png?28b69                                          Gargoyle_icon.png?feba5                                           Bag_of_salt.png?69716                                      Rockslug_icon.png?5577e


If you want to kill Banshees you wear earmuffs - if you want to kill Abberant spectres you wear a nose peg

                                    Banshee_icon.png?106de                                   Earmuffs.png?7c282                                                              Aberrant_spectre_icon.png?511b5                                               Nose_peg.png?f76de




I hope that in the future, we'll use Leaf-bladed weaponry to kill Turoths and Kurasks.

                                                                Leaf-bladed_battleaxe.png?537d8Leaf-bladed_sword.png?55232Leaf-bladed_spear.png?96cbdSlayer%27s_staff_%28e%29.png?5364bBroad_bolts_5.png?e50a2Broad_arrows_5.png?7488c                   Turoth_icon.png?70112                    Kurask_icon.png?20412

From Old School RuneScape Wiki:

Click on the images to read about the monsters with a leafy attribute


Kurask                                                       Turoth          






Thank you for reading

Do you support this suggestion?


#367434 Format text option

Posted by Trailerpark on 10 August 2020 - 04:03 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Adding standard text formats and the ability to edit them
And / or
Format painting

Here are some examples on formats:


The code for this format includes size, color and bold text.



Main text

The code for this format includes size and font.

[size=5][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Main text[/font][/size]



The code for this format includes size, color, font and italic.

[size=5][color=#ffffff][font=comic sans ms,cursive][i]Cursive[/i][/font][/color][/size]

These were just examples of formats. (Not specific format suggestions)

As of now, you have to implement each of these format options individually.


Here's my routine every time I write main text for a topic.





If standard formats were added, you'd be able to mark the text and only have to click one button, like an "M" for main text, "H" for headline etc.

Something like this, but obviously neater and beyond my MS Paint skills:




If the formats are added, the ability to customize them to suit each individual, would be brilliant.

The formats will (hopefully) make posts in the future more visually appealing, but if everyone uses the same format they'll lack personality.


If each player could customize the formats to suit their taste, I believe it would be for the best.

The customization could be available in the editor options of the tool bar:






Another good option is the implementation of a "Format painter"

Simply mark a text which you've formatted, copy the format, and then you can apply said format.


Here's a video example using Microsoft Word, explaining it better than I ever could:

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
How would this benefit Alora?:
I believe simple and easy editing tools will increase the standard of forums posts in the future.
The posts will be more visually appealing - also, it would save me, among others, a lot of time :FeelsMomoMan:



This isn't something that should be prioritized over pressing matters or in-game content in general

But the forums deserves some quality of life updates too




Thank you for reading

#366552 Very simple Zalcano guide

Posted by Trailerpark on 03 August 2020 - 06:01 PM

Simply Zalcano



Dragon_pickaxe_%28or%29.png?cc5f3 Any pickaxe  Crystal_pickaxe.png?41819
Mining_icon.png?00870 Level 70 Mining
Smithing_icon.png?d26c5 Level 70 Smithing
1: Mine Tephra from Rock formations
2: Smelt Tephra into Refined tephra at the furnace
                  Tephra.png?f40cf                     Refined_tephra.png?21b0c
3: Imbue the Refined tephra at the altar
4: Toss the Imbued tephra at Zalcano
5. Mine Zalcano as she falls to the ground




With this knowledge you're ready to face Zalcano!

... Or you can keep reading for an in-depth guide



Click the spoilers for more information






Fighting Zalcano



Zalcano fights back



Zalcano is a team boss







 Thank you very much for reading

See you at ;;Zalcano

#366138 Weekend giveaway

Posted by Trailerpark on 01 August 2020 - 10:03 AM

Weekend giveaway


Yesterday I came home late evening after a few beers

Although I was tired, I craved that late-night grind


In the corner of my eye, I saw someone ask something along the lines of "Is the event still going on?"

Turns out, the weekend pet hunt event, hosted by Moe had dragged on for so long, that he even had to go, and Adex kindly took over

Read about the current weekend events here: Weekend Events 7/31/2020 | 8/2/2020



It was a hunt for the notorious "Pet House"



Regarded as one of the rarest skilling pets in the game, the pot had shot up over the course of the event

Generous players such as To gain donated to the prize pool and Roofy even added a staggering 50 blowpipes Toxic_blowpipe_%28empty%29.png?b7a64


I half-assedly popped a vote book Demonic_tome.png?71cef for bonus experience

Have you voted today? Click here to vote now


I proceeded to enter the massive disappointment that is my Alora house.

It looks something like this




When I was making the final Incense burner Marble_incense_burners_icon.png?21945 of my inventory it happened. :grin:





Thus ending the event that had consumed both material and hours of the many participants.

I basically traded 12 Steel bars Steel_bar.png?47c87 and 12 Bolts of cloth Bolt_of_cloth.png?fd048 for this:



To make matters worse, that wasn't even my first house pet!

There's only one word that comes to mind, and people were kind enough to inform me that it was: UnDeSeRvEd!

I could not agree more.







I did however bring something that I doubt many contestants had ...


     The Golden Hammer


A whopping 25% Increased pet-rate.

Click here to donate and get yours today!



With my shameless advantage I nicked the prize to the dismay of many.

I'd like to make it up to you guys, so I've decided to host a very modest giveaway.



The event has concluded!

Here are the winners and their prizes



~   ~   ~


1st Prize: Stone rigged

5x Toxic Blowpipes  :kek: + 150M

Toxic_blowpipe_%28empty%29.png?b7a64 Coins_10000.png?7fa38


~   ~   ~



2nd Prize: SofaPlankHC

Bandos chestplate + Bandos tassets + Amulet of torture + Ring of suffering + Primordial boots + Pegasian boots + Eternal boots

Bandos_chestplate.png?4a089 Bandos_tassets.png?1d9cb Amulet_of_torture.png?8ba0e Ring_of_suffering.png?a930b Primordial_boots.png?dbc06 Pegasian_boots.png?dbc06 Eternal_boots.png?1f7be


~   ~   ~



3rd Prize: Fou

1x 10$ Bond



~   ~   ~



Congratulations to the winners

Thank you all for participating




In order to enter the competition, simply reply to this topic down below



I will draw lots from the comments and announce three winners by editing the topic this monday at 06:00 PM GMT Server time



Huge shout out to the staff that hosts events and to the players that donate to them



Comment to enter the lottery!


Maybe you'll have more luck than you had whilst making mahogany tables



#349894 Anniversary

Posted by Trailerpark on 19 April 2020 - 06:23 PM

Hello Alora


I coincidentally glanced over my profile information





I discovered that I first started playing Alora exactly one year ago







To some of you, one year isn't a very long time.

Some of you have dedicated countless hours to Alora, shaping the server to what it is today




One year is a long time


I have made friends

:PepeHug: :pinged:



I have seen players come and go
c3448c3cde818e47e5235cf5491667cc.png f0c6a2e3393fb6b25e9e0aaf18b4f8c0.png



I have laughed






I have been subjected to the harshest burns



and kindest compliments




I have sent memes to be approved before publishing ???




I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on Alora








When it comes to Runescape private servers,

most players find themselves drifting from one to another

Alora has something that distinguishes it from the competition





It has a professional staff team that swiftly deals with any issue that may arrise

From the youngest server support a21b6f86ca79327b1d2b153e4fd85798.png to the oldest administrator 1391d0464417e5e88b07fa958d71efb6.png

they all work towards bettering Alora






It updates frequently introducing both new content and fixing bugs

The impressive work that the developers put in keeps the game fresh and enjoyable!






It has a kick-ass community!

No noob is left un-helped in the Alora clan chat

No single day is dull or the same

No opportunity to riot or celebrate is missed

Great clans has emerged from the server, stretching far beyond the boundaries of Alora itself


You deserve some serious praise!





The community consists of the players, and among these some put in extra effort to make Alora great

If you stumble across someone that you believe put in that extra effort, I highly encourage you to show your gratitude





Here's a few non-staff players that I find very commendable


Saying that Mousey is super helpful might be an understatement
She is the member of this very month, a well-deserved recognition for Alora's official topic matrix :Hackermans:





Cranked is mostly recognized for his efforts in a specific sub-forum of the Alora discord
When he isn't providing the community with high quality quarantine relief content, he is a very knowledgeable and helpful player.



Real Alan

If you're playing the Realism gamemode realism.png, Alan is your go-to person for assistance.

He is a great ambassador and as of today, 4/20 he will be the second Realism player ever to max!







Once again, thank you for a great year Alora

I hope for several more to come





Thank you for reading

#345117 Oh shit. Here we go again.

Posted by Trailerpark on 29 March 2020 - 10:34 AM


2020 is the year of riots in Alora


Alora unofficial newspaper

The 29th of March 2020 02:13 PM server time

A new riot was brewing as a response to the latest update

*Sigh* Here we go again


The train took off from Falador_teleport_%28tablet%29.png?82ef0 Falador which has become the standard starting point for Alora riots


Read all about the update here: [29/3/20] Slayer rework, Nightmare loot buff, Firelighters + Phoenix recolours & more!



What separates this riot from the previous is the objective.

The February riot wanted bonus xp or REEEE

Read about it here: Massive Alora Riot


This Riot had several complaints, but the riot wasn't necessarily unified on all topics

The objectives included:

  1. Revert the slayer system
  2. Free slayer skips for super donators+
  3. Fix safe deaths
  4. Revert the agility mark of grace system

And with the addition of a very enthusiastic riot-member, several new objectives shined through.

I'm of course talking about the maniac MADIBOO













This post-update riot actually started with s3iman almost losing 10B to a bug at the Nightmare.

Instead of reporting this bug he did what any other sane person would've done.
Start a riot





Here's some media from the riot:


Exaggeration is Battered_key.png?bc119key to a successful riot







The riot had a quiet start with few participants









Not many players were "spamming" some even dubbed it the quiet riot



Players had different inputs and several players voiced their objection to the riot






Walking in circles in and around Edgeville bank is another requirement for a riot






This is by far my favorite moment from the riot


Remove Raids! - Give me aids!




Is it even a riot without overheads?






Train died 03:35 PM server time, due to the hype dying out

Or ..? fef94db235e92b56d69a4cb7c4b1e9fd.png



Shortly after the riot died, Omicron quelled the remaining flames




Even the safe death issue was tended to







While I have your attention let me use this opportunity to make a small request



If you're dissatisfied with updates or content in general

Don't bitch about it


Utilize the forums! :smart:

Voice your opinions at Feedback

Suggest changes at Suggestions

Report mistakes at Bug reports


Not Shadow is doing it right. Discuss the slayer update at his topic: Discussing the new "Slayer rework" update


Too many players has complanied today :FeelsTastyMan:

It's entitled. Hours was spent making this update

Respond with gratitude and feedback, not bitching.














Thank you for reading


#343368 The third time's the charm

Posted by Trailerpark on 20 March 2020 - 08:57 PM

The third time's the charm

I had a mental breakdown writing this






Lately I've been trying my luck at one of the arguably hardest minigames of Alora

The Inferno






Armed with cerebral palsy mechanics and withdrawal symptoms I charged head-first into the deep


Equipped with fool-proof equipment and a fire cape Fire_cape.png?2a991 to sacrifice, everything was going according to plan




I wanted to finish my achievement diary

I wanted the forums award



Infernal_cape.gif?d09e7I lusted after the forbidden cape Infernal_cape.gif?d09e7





I wasn't prepared for the atrocities awaiting me under the city of lava



My first attempt ended in a pathetic kneeling position.

Zuk ended my life as Jad had his way with me




I was not dismayed. If I can make it to Zuk, I can defeat Zuk!

Second try I could have SWORN I killed Jad.


Somehow I red-barred him and he gave me the sucker punch of a lifetime




This time I was certain I could pull it off.

It was late and looking back, I should've never done a back to back attempt


Third try, let's go!

Fast forward to the most scuffed run ever



I forgot to restock my inventory so I had to snake around and far cast to save prayer points

I tank 3 Jad hits in the triple Jad wave like it was nothing

20160522174148!Zero_damage_hitsplat.png?I brushed off two of them as 0s! 20160522174148!Zero_damage_hitsplat.png?

At Zuk I thought my luck had run out

But as I killed jad, and then the final ranger - I was certain that this would be the successful run!


Zuk has no health, and I can practically feel the cape comforting my arched Quasimodo back




































Screw your dumb TokKul! Give me that cape!!!


I know you have loads of them

I see people with too much time on their hands practically money showering you with them!




Ready to greet me as I dared to open my eyes was MesutBrozil

Who had just completed the Inferno on his 7th try. Congratulations.







Huge shout out to Banks for his outstanding Inferno guide


Otherwise, here are two very thorough super simple video guides:







Now I will sleep

I pray Prayer_icon.png?ca0dc that Zuk does not find me in my dreams


And turn them to nightmares




Wish me luck upon my fourth try


Watch out TzKal-Zuk, I'm coming for you




Thank you for reading

#342654 99 Slayer and Maxing my Classic Account :)

Posted by Trailerpark on 16 March 2020 - 07:50 AM

One thing is maxing

What impressed me was your dedication to do it in style!


Knocking out 13 skills at once, well done



Congratulations! :withlove:

#342349 How to stay on your grind

Posted by Trailerpark on 13 March 2020 - 11:50 PM

The concept of this topic was made in collaboration with the amazing Hassia


Greetings there player of


Before you scroll down

Take a moment to mentally prepare yourself










Pre-grind prep


You can't stay on Your grind if You don't put You first




Eat healthy


A healthy diet requires a variety of food.

In a shocking survey, the majority of Alora players admitted to eating nothing but fish!


:Nay: Stop eating this



:Yea: Start eating this



No more supplements



And for the love of god

e7bd77fa10c5041b1fe0251ca4951730.png No more doping








With the diet down, you're ready to take on the world with new-found energy

The Alora staff team has recommended at least 10 minutes of Puro~Puro or 10 laps of Agility per day.


Long term bank standing is one of the most common causes of back pain and sore feet in Alora

If you recognize these symptoms, it's about time you changed your lifestyle!




Here's something that will really whip  you into shape


An exclusive sneak peek on the upcoming update of the "Daily Task" system


Warning: the Saitama daily tasks may cause baldness (doesn't apply to Lowkey)







Even though the grind is the goal, you will lose efficiency if you're too tired

Ignore the people saying "REEEE, Sleep is XP-waste" and grab your sleeping cap!





The quality of your sleep can tell if you've been grinding too hard


if you find yourself shifting in and out of slumber

suddenly waking up, bathed in sweat

as you fall to your final doom

you may be experiencing




Take a break from your grind bro





   Mind_rune.png?76ed2                                           Soul_rune.png?6941a

Mind and soul
With your body in peak condition we move on to the inside




Mental health


In a busy world where everyone is constantly grinding, it's imperative to take breaks!

The world of Alora has plenty of awe inspiring places to visit




Falador park












Enchanted valley








Repeating the same thing over and over can be frustrating and boring!

Distract yourself with some entertainment


Some players use Netflix, YouTube, Facebook etc.

None of these compares to the in-game provided entertainment!




Simply strike up conversation with other players!
there's a 50% chance you're talking to a window licker, otherwise it's probably you


You can ask which clan is #1 for some free drama
or tune in to the daily PvP raging in ;;yell





Here's a few examples of what to expect from player interactions































In order to have a healthy mentality, love is a must

If you don't feel loved, you might lose your will to live, or even worse - your will to grind


The easiest way of feeling loved, is buying a gf.

The most common offer lies around 10gp, but some filthy gold-diggers demand more





If you can't find a gf, feel free to use these images to let off some steam.


I wont judge you


I lied, you're disgusting




Stay safe


Now that you're taking on the Alora hoes, remember to stay safe.

Wrap it up kings! Rubber_chicken.png?0d30e


In recent times, you can't feel safe anywhere!

The world has turned into the wilderness and you're playing as a hcim.pngHardcore Ironman




@ @ @ @ @   BREAKING NEWS   @ @ @ @ @

Omicron & Lowkey locks down ;;dz due to Corona outbreak



As the feared COVID-19 wreaks havoc upon Alora, players are encouraged to stay in their homes

Event managers cancels events and Edgeville bank is emptier than the wilderness


Some visionary merchants took advantage of the panic

Their hoarding of face masks and prayer scrolls aka. toilet paper has secured them great profit




Steer clear of contaminated areas, keep your face mask Facemask.png?7c282 on, and stick to your grind!






Starting the grind


We've figured out how to maintain our physical and mental well-being.

Now we move on to the grind itself




Setting a goal


The first thing you need is an objective

This goal will become your beacon, lighting up the path towards success


As for what goal to set, follow your heart  <3




In a situation where you've set your goal, but the gods of RNG plot against you

You may end up having the entirety of Alora treat your grind like a meme.


This is the greatest honour achievable.


So don't be humble when you set your goal

What do YOU want?





Stay on track


With an objective set, you're ready to embark on your grind!

Gear up, turn up for your favourite music, and have your mom on bathroom QRF




In order to separate the wheat from the chaff, staff has laid out vicious traps

They will constantly try to bait you off track!




Keep your eyes on the prize!

Some grinds may take a very long time

Dedication is Major Key Battered_key.png?bc119 Alert

The tougher the grind - The more accomplishment you feel





Share your grind


Sometimes your mind will drift.


Why am I here?

What am I doing with my life?

These are but meaningless pixels

This is waste of time and money!



There's a way to add meaning to your existence and value to your time

Share your experiences with your friends


This may be the greatest source of motivation


You could join one of the major clans such as ICEDynasty or Phereus.

These clans often has chats where you can share your grind, or just make friends in general
People may encourage you and/or share their own experiences



If you followed my awful advice earlier in this post about striking up conversation with random people

you may end up meeting like-minded people


These can very well become the reason you continue playing

Huge shout-out to my boys Fe hash | Hassia | GIMP Jesus | TheTempzz

Yeah that's the entirety of my friends list

:FeelsRainMan: Please be my friend :PepeHands:

Disclaimer: This may not be my actual friend list


If you have friends in real life (this is very unlikely) I encourage you to invite them to play Alora

They will undoubtedly respect you for your very impressive in-game play time




Flex your achievements


One of the reasons sharing your progress is motivating, is because it yields recognition

Apart from the encouragement from friends, there are also permanent distinctions


One such distinction is the Forum Award.

Here's an example of an achieved player's (KP) Awards



You should definitely check the awards out!
They also make great goals to grind for such as


Maxing out every account type


get a life dude


There are also less time consuming ones:




Donator ranks also counts as a goal which requires grinding

Amass money and acquire bonds that will fund your next rank



Your improved rank will then yield greater benefits which makes the future grinds easier

The most lucrative donator ranks ZM47rDd.png YfGgEqh.png 16D8X9U.png cetgpEz.png may require months of grinding or easy access to moms credit card


Read more about donator perks and support the server here






You've made it all the way to



I hope you enjoyed it

Please hit 1c15e881890f79202d207640104ea88b.png if you did  



Good luck on your grind


Thanks for reading


#342057 Combination runes in Rune pouch

Posted by Trailerpark on 11 March 2020 - 02:40 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Make the Rune pouch recognize combination runes as runes

Rune_pouch.png?89fb1 Mist_rune.png?76ed2 Dust_rune.png?090cd Mud_rune.png?76ed2 Smoke_rune.png?55b11 Steam_rune.png?6941a Lava_rune.png?b2713

Click on the icons above ^ to read more about the pouch or the runes


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

This is as much a bug report as it is a suggestion, since combination runes are obviously runes

If you attempt to add combination runes to a Rune pouch this message will appear:



This would benefit all the players of Alora who owns a rune pouch

It's especially useful for PKers, PvMers and uim.png Ultiamte Ironmen.


Thank you for reading

#341203 Shoutbox improvements

Posted by Trailerpark on 06 March 2020 - 05:54 PM

What is your suggestion?:

The option to close or minimize the welcome notice

The option to extend the timer until inactive



First of all, the welcome window is massive. Taking up almost half of the shoutbox popup.png

Combined with the eye catching colours this gives a click-bait impression




Vroom vroom  :HyperDance:



The window itself could still serve its purpose with a smaller size
(It's not the size that matters ...)

Eliminating the spaces between the sentences would do the trick




After visiting the forums more than 3 times, the box becomes tedious.

Something inside me wants to dismiss it




I suggest adding a minimize 83a1aec6b9c79ef1498ccf040fe34ea2.png or close 06516eb14bc44c4ef7f0aa98619bb85d.png button.

something like this:





Or add a toggle function, like the one the shoutbox has when hovered
"Toggle welcome message"






Another good option would be utilizing the "My prefs" options



This opens the preference panel where you could add an option

example: "Display Welcome message Yes [x]  [ ] No"


That way, players who utilize the box can opt to keep it





While we're on the topic, it'd be nice with the option to extend the timer before the remaining half is claimed by this window:


Even if only 15 minutes, it would be an improvement

example: "Set AFK timer to minutes: 5 [ x ]  10 [ ]  15 [ ]"





Has this suggestion been accepted already?:





How would this benefit Alora?:

The Shoutbox is among the first impressions upon entering the forums of Alora


First impressions are super important - especially for an RSPS

If it looks silly, it could potentially scare players away



Since the forums recently got a make-over, I believe the Shoutbox deserves some attention too.

Although not seeing much action, it is a great alternative to the Alora discord




Thank you for reading  :PeepoSalute2: