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Real cream

Member Since 19 Jan 2020
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2025 10:07 AM

#427146 [Spring '22] Community Awards

Posted by Real cream on 26 March 2022 - 02:44 AM




Best Event Manager: @Moe


Best Administrator:  @A


Best Global Moderator:  @To gain


Best Forum Moderator:  @GIM SSS


Best Server Moderator:  @Zachs iron


Best Server Support:  @Gimslaving


Most active on Discord:  @Gimslaving


Most active In-game:  @Gimslaving


Most active on Forums:  @Moe


Most Respected:  @Moe


Most Potential Promotion:  @Gimslaving


Funniest Staff Member:  @To gain


Overall Best Staff Member: @2






Most Active In-game:  @Realmungard


Most Active on Forums:  @AmrH420


Most Active on Discord:  @Slurvish


Most Active Overall:  @Realmungard


Most Wealthy:  @Polton


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Extremedanny


Most Friendly:  @Slurvish


Most Respected:  @Realmungard


Coolest Veteran:  @casual


Best Helper:  @Realmungard


Best Edgeville Pker: @Margarida


Best Hybrid:  @Dreamland


Best NH Pker:  @casual


Best PvMer: @Noa


Best Raider: @Noa


Best Skiller: @Real Alan


Best Clan: #Paragon


Best Ironman:  @Miq


Best Hardcore Ironman:  @Sit


Best Ultimate Ironman:  @Mode


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): CMF


Best Group Ironman (Player):  @Gimgim


Best Realism Player:  @Realmungard


Best Classic Player:  @Classic


Best GFX Designer:  @Classic


Best Youtuber:  @Eim Bonk


Best Streamer:  @Absurd


Top Overall:  @Gimgim

#411117 [Fall '21] Community Awards

Posted by Real cream on 25 September 2021 - 01:36 PM




Best Event Manager: @Ky


Best Administrator: @2


Best Global Moderator: @Amica


Best Forum Moderator: @Fiji


Best Server Moderator: @Arosa


Best Server Support: @F1nally


Most active on Discord: @2


Most active In-game: @Classic


Most active on Forums: 2


Most Respected: Moe


Most Potential Promotion: @To gain


Funniest Staff Member: @A


Overall Best Staff Member: Moe






Most Active In-game: Gimslaving


Most Active on Forums: @13


Most Active on Discord: @Snakelings


Most Active Overall: @Extremedanny


Most Wealthy: @Adex 


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Joey


Most Friendly: @AmrH420


Most Respected: @S3iman


Coolest Veteran: @Extremedanny


Best Helper: @Redius


Best Edgeville Pker: @Death Kid


Best Hybrid: @Dreamland


Best NH Pker: @Dreamland


Best PvMer: Gimslaving


Best Raider: @gim crohn


Best Skiller: @Real Alan


Best Clan: @Paragon


Best Ironman: @Miq


Best Hardcore Ironman: @HC Ashley


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Ult 420


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): CMF


Best Group Ironman (Player):  Gimslaving


Best Realism Player: @Realmungard


Best Classic Player: @Classic 


Best GFX Designer: @Sunnii


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Extremedanny

#409723 Hard mode Theatre of Blood rewards

Posted by Real cream on 12 September 2021 - 03:08 PM

An interesting read, curious on the outcome!

#407162 Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

Posted by Real cream on 22 August 2021 - 05:52 PM

An interesting post to brush by. I'll quickly add some comments! 


To summarise:


In regards to the high-end items, I did take part in bringing 3x twisted bows, 1x scythe and 3x Elysians into the realism game mode and I did make good gp for selling it to normie. When the demand was high, those items sold for pretty decent prices, 8-12b Tbow, 12-20b scythe, and 17-25b Ely. However, the mode died off and a lot of the big items were DROPPED to normie gamemode after the 'demand' went away, hence why it is more difficult to obtain end-game items as only a few players hoard the items, no names mentioned. (They will refuse to sell UNLESS you are paying the prices from back in the day, which no-one wants to pay)


Now, all the other 'small items' are also bought out by certain players to control the economy, just like the normie gamemode has their merchers. (Nothing new there)


I do agree that the supply prices are dumb and should not be used for 'milking' the small community. (no offence @Real Alan, but those restore prices and other items are bizarre lmao). Especially when you're encouraging people to play realism! (I believe that's how people interpret your prices, just clarifying) 


Selling items in TP is almost impossible unless you undercut yourself by 75% and let someone merch you. 


Supply and Demand will always be the case, considering some of the end-game items are not within the gamemode. Therefore, the price of the item can be based on your decision. (just like when I sold my Ely for 20b+)


There is not enough items being circulated / brought into the gamemode, and hence why it is difficult to buy or sell items in general. 




De-iron option, sure why not. 


Perhaps addition of pots, runes and skilling supplies would sort some of the mess out, as some people just want to get into the PVM content straight away. ( to make it more like a non-ironman gamemode)


Perhaps an NPC to sell your junk. (Eternal boots 15mil? kekw) - Call the NPC 'Real Alan' 


Jokes aside, some changes need to be done to sustain the gamemode. I need to see some sort of improvement to continue playing. But I do see where people are coming from, it is highly discouraging playing the gamemode when you can't even afford pots or normal day to day items from the TP. (afford? it's not even in TP)

#404092 My Return

Posted by Real cream on 25 July 2021 - 03:56 AM

Welcome back sir.
  • 11 likes this

#401243 Max capes, Bloody keys, Wilderness changes?, Buff raids rates

Posted by Real cream on 28 June 2021 - 12:19 PM

Good evening gamers,


Thank you Kaamea for the suggestions. 


1)  I like the idea of adding 'Bloody key' to the wilderness boss drop table, public announced preferably, as it brings more people into the wilderness.


2) Reverting back to 'Max cape' + 'additive' seems like a nice QoL. 


3) I am glad someone has brought this up, considering I went 15 raids dry with drop boosters myself, which is very unusual. (immortal donor btw) I understand some people have been crying already saying 'it's normal', but the main reason some of us invested in master+ is for the additional rolls and increased DR. (To obtain more loot). It's a RSPS and we should not go 15-20 hours dry for an item. 


I don't understand what additional information you want to see @Real Alan, but as far as I am aware you haven't stepped your foot inside CoX in months. If someone with eternal donor goes 20-30 dry, isn't that saying something? - I don't feel the need for someone to provide statistical analysis of 1000 CoX solos to show how much loot is obtainable with these poor rates as it stands. (Yes @22 has done 1000 cox solos, so I am sure he isn't pulling this info out of his ass)


Side note: RNG does have some what of a say, but I still want consistency on the loots, especially if 10k+ is donated. 


4) I support the new boss idea, seems like a good way to enhance wilderness activity. (I have already seen some spicy suggestions, so I'll not go into detail - Thank you @99 for wildywyrm suggestion)


5) I wouldn't know enough to tell you about the black d'hide stats. 


 'On Alora, many ironmen rely on black d'hide to tank normies in max gear.  If we nerf black d'hide, it may be highly detrimental to ironmen.' - @Real Alan


I don't understand where you getting at with this, I have to agree with what @Fiji said. 



To summarise, in general I feel like they were useful suggestions which were fully developed as more people discussed it. Hopefully some of these will get looked into sooner than later.

#401147 June 2021 MOTM (Poll)

Posted by Real cream on 27 June 2021 - 04:48 AM

Best of luck to all contenders!

  • Moe likes this

#401136 Elite ironman storage buff?

Posted by Real cream on 27 June 2021 - 03:15 AM

Support, seems like a reasonable QOL. 

#400463 Clan rank permission

Posted by Real cream on 19 June 2021 - 01:24 PM

No support, stop being lazy @22


Joking, full support!!  <3

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#400207 Alora Ironman Progress Ramble [3]

Posted by Real cream on 17 June 2021 - 12:58 AM

Goodluck with the grind, hopefully RNG follows through early enough (just like that Tbow) 

#400151 Qiyas HCIM Progress Episode 1 (New Series)

Posted by Real cream on 16 June 2021 - 10:46 AM

Welcome back, looking good so far! 


Good content, keep it up.

#400084 [Summer '21] Community Awards

Posted by Real cream on 15 June 2021 - 03:13 PM




Best Administrator: @22


Best Global Moderator: @Ky


Best Forum Moderator: @Fiji


Best Server Moderator: @To gain


Best Server Support: @Arosa


Most active on Discord: @Classic


Most active In-game: @Ky


Most active on Forums: @A


Most Respected: @Moe


Most Potential Promotion: @To gain


Funniest Staff Member: @Moe


Overall Best Staff Member: @Lowkey






Most Active In-game: @Gimslaving


Most Active on Forums: @Memento Mori


Most Active on Discord: @Champ


Most Active Overall: @Gimslaving


Most Wealthy: @Codex1


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Dreamland


Most Friendly: @AmrH420


Most Respected: @s3iman


Coolest Veteran: @Extremedanny


Best Helper: @Miq


Best Edgeville Pker: @ Bob


Best Hybrid: @Dreamland


Best NH Pker: @Dreamland


Best PvMer: @Redius


Best Raider: @Realism mode


Best Skiller: @Wilderness


Best Clan: @Paragon


Best Ironman: @Miq


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Avoid 0 HP


Best Ultimate Ironman: @No Bank Mate


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): n/a


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Gimgim


Best Realism Player: @Realmungard


Best Classic Player: @classic 126


Best GFX Designer: @Sunnii


Best Youtuber: @Morgen


Best Streamer: @Joey


Top Overall: @Gimslaving

#399989 eternal donor rank benefit for basilisk nights

Posted by Real cream on 14 June 2021 - 03:06 PM

Immortal+?? *Rubs beard*

#399936 PVP Killstreak Rewards

Posted by Real cream on 14 June 2021 - 01:20 AM

'highest active killstreaks to the wilderness scoreboard'​ - How about 'show location' or 'have a direct teleport' option to these active pkers. Not use it as a trophy to how many skillers has one killed. @Real Alan


Anyways, I'll answer your suggestion, @Yautja, I supportAdditionally, might be worth to add, perhaps more chances of better loot in deep wild?

#398643 Staff Update 5/29/21

Posted by Real cream on 30 May 2021 - 02:40 AM

Congrats to all promotions!  B)


Welcome back awesome gamers @Champ and @To gain


Thanks for your service @Memento Mori & @Citra