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Member Since 30 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2023 07:31 AM

#296731 Feedback server

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 09:46 PM

I don’t know how many times we have to tell you that we did not purposely block your IP. It happens from time to time and can happen to anyone, including Staff Members. I’m writing this comment from my phone because I’m currently unable to access the website if I’m connected to WiFi.

In addition I’m not sure why you think the Staff Team is singling you out, I don’t believe we’ve interacted with you until today where you proceeded to spam our appeal section because you didn’t get the answer you wanted, even after we asked you not to. If you have issues our PMs are open, but I don’t think posting false accusations on the Feedback section was really necessary.

#296707 Steps on Creating a High Quality Suggestion Thread

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 08:11 PM

The suggestions section here on the forum receives a sizable voluminous handful of incipient conceptions every week, some good and some not so good. Alora's staff team genuinely values suggestions and aim to locate as many great conceptions as possible to pass on to Omicron.


To help with this aim, I thought it would be genuinely subsidiary to provide everyone with steps on the how to get the most out of your suggestions, and the best way to present them to the staff team. 





Step 1 - Before Creating Your Suggestion Thread


Make sure that there aren't any already existing threads of your suggestion:

First of all, endeavour to probe if there isn't a homogeneous thread to your suggestion you optate to engender. If no one else has posted a similar conception recently, feel in liberty to engender an incipient suggestion thread. Please be as detailed as possible! This gives the suggestion a higher chance to get incorporated into the game/on to the forum.


If the suggestion already exists, give feedback on the already existing suggestion:

First of all, endeavour to probe if there isn't a similar thread to the suggestion you optate to engender. If there is a suggestion thread akin to your suggestion, please give feedback on that suggestion in lieu of making an incipient suggestion.

When commenting on a suggestion, please be detailed as possible, give feedback and let them ken what's good about it and what not.​


Avoid posting on threads older than a fortnight, and if your version of the suggestion is consummately different than an already subsisting one, make an incipient suggestion and verbally express how your version is different to others.



Step 2 - Coming up With an Idea


Think of a need, fill that need:

Try and cerebrate of something missing from the game. You should then visually examine cerebrating up a logical solution to fill that gap in the game. It's withal a good conception to cogitate whether it's genuinely worth integrating.


Think about what impact such a suggestion could have:

This is probably the most important point when it comes to making an idea.

Balance is a major issue for ascertaining a good suggestion. A conception might sound good because it makes something more facile, but if that has a major negative impact on other areas of the game, such as the economy or inspiritment of rule breaking, then Omicron won't be able to introduce it.

Ask yourself whether your suggestion justifies any major impact to the game. If it would only make things a diminutive bit more facile, but could cause balancing issues then you may need to go back to the drawing board.


Don't focus on the end goal:

When putting forward a suggestion, make sure you are cerebrating of how the suggestion could benefit all players, not just those at the terminus goal (unless of course it's high level content).



Step 3 - Presenting Your Idea on The Forum


Creating a title:

Before you begin to write up your suggestion, you will be required to enter in a title.

Make a title that describes as briefly as possible the main conception abaft your suggestion. The community and staff team need to grasp the main conception of your suggestion by reading the title, this is probably the most paramount part of the suggestion.


Structure your suggestion:

A structured suggestion is facile on the ocular perceivers and can get a lot more information across, structuring your suggestion is highly recommended.

A clear and facile to read suggestion is a prosperous suggestion.


Make yourself presentable:

Utilize clear language when making your suggestion and evade falling into the pitfalls of being exorbitantly negative about why you cerebrate certain things don't work or are left out. Recollect that you have all the time in the world to engender your thread, so there is no desideratum to rush it.


Hook your reader:

When you make a suggestion, or any thread authentically, you require to ascertain you prehend your reader expeditiously. Having pages of text to find what you are proposing may put people off. The staff team receive a substantial amount of suggestions every week, so it authentically avails them if they can visually perceive what we are suggesting expeditiously.


Getting back to structuring your suggestion:

  • Make titles and paragraphs, divide your suggestion into different sections
  • Don't hesitate to use colours, don't overuse the colours or other formatting though
  • Use spoilers when you want to go into specific details about one item, so it doesn't take up the whole thread, people also have the choice to read those specifics if they chose to
  • Use indentations, giving people the choice to go into details or not is important, put the most important information closer to the left and the specifics closer to the right
  • Use spaces, when you move from one point to the other add a line break between them as people would skip the whole paragraph if they get bored of the first two lines

Try and anticipate questions that the rest of the community, as well as the staff team will be asking about your suggestion and answer them afore hand, this could include:

  • What is it?
  • What does it do?
  • Why is it needed?
  • What problems does it solve?
  • Why is that feature like that and not like this?

Adding Additional Information:

This could include:

  • Problems that may arise from your suggestion
  • Possible extra features that could be added to the suggestion
  • A list of your sources, if you were inspired by other suggestions

Adding Tags:

Tags allow members and staff team to probe and find your thread when probing for suggestions cognate to a certain topic, they increment the threads overtness during these searches.

#296706 Possible Fixes for CAPTCHA Errors When Voting

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 08:04 PM


Hello everyone,

It's come to my attention that a good amount of players in the community are facing trouble with voting lately. This is due to issues with CAPTCHAs. CAPTCHAs play an important role in keeping the internet spam-free and making everyone’s experience a little bit better. We have to go through them while voting on RuneScape Private Server toplists in order to receive our beloved bonus experience. Unfortunately, even real human-beings don't pass them at times. Sometimes people would face issues with CAPTCHAs for weeks, however, there are possibilities to solve your troubles with CAPTCHAs.

Down below you will find a small list of possible methods in order to solve your troubles with CAPTCHAs when voting.

1. Reset your IP

*NOTE that changing your IP in order to vote multiple times is strictly against Alora's rules and will result in a ban and wipe.*

Go to your Command Prompt, and then enter the following commands to reset the network adapter and IP address:

netsh winsock
reset netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

2. Try a different browser / Clear your browser cache

3. Turn off your VPN and/or proxy. Better yet, uninstall them from your PC

4. Setup a Google Mail account

Having your own Google Mail account and being signed in will make it easy for Google/CAPTCHAs to understand you are a human-being!

5. Check malwares & browser extensions

Your computer may be infected with malware, or you may have browser etensions and plugins which are causing troubles with the CAPTCHAs. Secure Yourself today.

#296704 Experience Boosts Guide

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 08:01 PM

Alora offers a handful of methods of amplifying your gained experience. The boosts stack with each other. This means that if you have 15%, 30% and 30% boosts activated, your gained experience will be multiplied by 75% of the initial experience gained. As an example, with 70% experience boosts, an experience drop that would without boosts grant you 1,000 experience, now grants 1,700 experience.



Passive Boosts


Passive boosts are experience amplifiers, that grant you bonus experience on whichever skill (unless specified) you're training at any given moment whilst the boost is active.


image.png Vote Book - Obtained through voting redeeming the vote book grants you a personal 50% experience boost for an hour, if you have Two Factor Authentication activated on the specific account. Vote books can only be used once every 12 hours on the following game modes: Hardcore Iron Man, Elite Iron Man, and Group Iron Man. Vote books buy/sell for 3M-4M. Does not apply to combat, including Prayer.


image.png Well of Goodwill - The well of goodwill is an object in the game that, when filled (100M), grants a global experience boost of 30% to everyone online for 90 minutes. The following game modes only receive half the the bonus experience (15%) - Elite Iron Man and Group Iron Man. 


image.png Skill of The Day - Changing every day, the skill of the day grants an experience boost of 25% globally in a specified skill. The order by which the skills change, can be found Here.


image.png Bonus XP Weekends - The event managers are constantly providing the community events to provide them with desired boosts/activities. The amount of experience boost granted is always specified beforehand. The experience amplifiers is often x1.5.


image.png Wilderness Bonus Experience - Players will be granted 1.5x experience for training skills above level 25 Wilderness. You must be in the Wilderness, above level 25, for two minutes for this to activate. Does not apply to combat, including Prayer.


image.png God Event - God Event, located at ::Event, occurs every 2-3 hours. Attacking any of the three Gods until you have done at least 100 damage will grant you with the blessings of the Gods, granting you 20% bonus experience for 30 minutes. Does not apply to combat, including Prayer.



Item Boosts


There are several items that grant you the ability to gain bonus experience in a skill specific to the item. These items are widely used by everyone going for large amounts of experience, or just level 99 in general.


image.png Goldsmith Gaunlets - These are obtainable through the Loyalty Store for 50,000 loyalty points. Wearing the goldsmith gaunlets increases the experience gained from smelting gold ore into a gold bar (x2.5 times as much). This applies to normal smelting, superheat spell, and Blast Furnace. 


image.png Karamja Gloves 4 - These are obtainable through the Achievements Store for 120 achievements points. Wearing the Karamja gloves grants 15% extra experience in the Agility skill.


image.png Ardougne Cloak 4 - This is obtainable through the Achievements Store for 200 achievements points. Wearing the Ardougne cloak 4 grants 15% extra experience in the Thieving skill.

#296703 Security Guide + How to Setup 2FA

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 07:58 PM






This guide contains the rudimentary information needed to keep your Alora account secure, which doesn't require much time or effort to do so. Here's a few simple steps that you can follow to ascertain that your Alora account is as secure as possible:




1. Protecting Your Computer

The first steps to take when establishing the security on your Alora account is ascertaining that you have a secure computer. Ideally, at the very least, you'll want to run an up to date antivirus, anti-spyware, and a firewall. There are plenty of paid for and free options out there, but here's a few that I recommend:


Anti-Virus Software

Anti-Spyware Software

Firewall Software



2. Creating a Secure Email Account

Next you'll want to engender a pristinely incipient email account to register on your Alora account. The security of this email account is very consequential, so I recommend that you don't utilize it on any other websites or games, especially on other RuneScape Private Servers. Never utilize your main/business email for RuneScape Private Servers and websites or games kindred. Once you've engendered your email account, you'll require to establish Two-Factor Authentication. This will avail to obviate people from accessing your email account, even if they manage to get your password. Here are guides for establishing Two-Factor Authentication on some of the most sizably voluminous email providers:



3. Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication

Establishing the Two-Factor Authentication is incredibly simple and takes less than 60 seconds! Login Here and then go Here to commence the process of integrating Two-Factor Authentication to your account. Once it’s set up, the Two-Factor Authentication utilizes a code generator app, such as Google Authentication for Android, iOS, etc. for Windows PCs and phones - to generate a six-digit code. You will then need to enter this code, when prompted, as a second step each time you log in on an incipient IP and/or PC.


Note: In return for having Two-Factor Authentication on integrated on your account, you will receive bonus experience for voting.





4. Other


Account Sharing - The simplest form of account hacking occurs when you apportion account information with another player. This could be someone you know or trust in real life, or anyone utilizing a tactic to gain your trust and personal information. Never give out your account information to anyone, this includes staff members!


Reusable Passwords - If you utilize your Alora login details for other websites or games, the security of all your accounts may be at risk. If a hacker were to get access to the information of any of these accounts, they would be able to control all of them. Consider utilizing an alternate email addresses for other accounts. This way, if one account is compromised, your other accounts remain protected. I highly recommend that at the very least, you should utilize a different password for any account that might share the same email address.


Passwords - Use vigorous passwords that contain both numbers and letters (with uppercase and lowercase). Do not apportion your passwords with others, and do not store them on your computer. If you need to write them down, store your list in a secure, private place. You should transmute your passwords regularly and utilize a different password for each of your accounts.


You - You = the biggest and best protection. Please utilize your knowledge. do not download dodgy things, don't give out your stuff to random people.....You don't have to run everything in Kali, utilize 10 VPNs, and wear a tinfoil hat on your head to block alien rays, just be smart, think what you're running and where you're typing your details.


As an additional resource you can use this website - https://haveibeenpwned.com/


This website has stored the information from the numerous known database breaches. You can enter your email on this website to check if your email has been a part of any database breaches, if your email has been a part of any breaches you should find what passwords you used for those websites and NEVER USE THEM AGAIN.


People use these database breaches to enter emails and passwords from the breaches on other websites in a hope that you used the same credentials on both websites. This is an incredibly common practice, and is very dangerous for this reason.


Unique passwords should be used for everything along with a secure password manager.


For those of you that have been a part of the RSPS scene for a long time you should also stop using passwords you've ever used on other RSPSs. Owners of these RSPSs have been known to sell these databases, and many RSPS databases have been breached in the past.


#296701 Forum Assistance

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 07:39 PM

Forum Assistance







image.png Official



There are set rules of the forum which you must follow, you must read them before you begin to use the forum.

Security Guide + How to Setup 2FA

A guide on how to keep yourself secure and steps on how to setup 2FA. One of the very first thing's you should take a look at and take action towards before you begin to play Alora and use the forum.


This is the documentation for ranks. You should read it if you want to learn about Alora's rank system.

Reporting Inappropriate Content

If you find inappropriate content on the forum, you can report it for review by the forum staff. To do this, look at the content or discussion container and you will see a Report button, beside the Quote buttons. Click on it and an overlay will open up to report the content and enter in a reason why you think the content is inappropriate. All reported content will be reviewed by forum staff according to the rules and if deemed necessary, they will take action on it.



image.png User Maintenance


User Registration

Some parts of this forum may require you to be logged in and registered. Registration is free and takes a few minutes to complete. You are encouraged to register; once you register you will be able to post messages, set your own preferences, and maintain a profile.


Updating Your Profile

At some point during your stay, you may decide you need to update some information, such as your your password, or your email address. You may change any of this information from your account settings. You can access your settings from any page by selecting your username at the top of the screen and then selecting My Settings. There are several tabs on the side of the page, which allow you to configure and update different board settings.

From the profile settings area of your control panel, you can configure various aspects of your profile, including: Profile picture, timezone, profile commenting, friends, additional information such as about me and interests, and your birthday.

Profile Customization - From the profile customization tab of your control panel, you can setup a custom profile background, change the colours of your profile, and perform other ways to customize the look and feel of your profile.

Email & Password - The email & password area allows you to update the password or email address associated with your account.

Signature - The signature page allows you to modify the custom signature that is shown below all of your posts.

Ignore - The ignore tab allows you to configure your Ignore settings - you can choose to hide individual member's posts, signatures, chats, status updates, or other aspects of a member that you wish to hide.

Notification Options - The notification options page allows you to configure how you should be notified of certain events, such as a reply to a topic, a direct message, or a new topic.

Your Notifications - This tab will display the most recent notifications that you have received.




image.png Posting



When you go to a section you are interested in and you wish to create a new thread (or topic), simply choose the button at the top and bottom of the forums entitled Start New Topic. Please take note that you may not have permission to post a new thread in every forum as the forum staff team may have restricted posting in that section to members of staff or archived the forum entirely.

image.png - A regular topic with unread posts.

image.png - This is a topic which you have participated in, with no new replies since you last read it.

image.png - This indicates that you have previously replied in this topic, and there are new replies since you last read or replied to the topic. 

image.png - This indicates that a topic has been locked, and can no longer be replied to.


To add a post to the topic, simply scroll to the bottom of the page, and start typing in the reply box. To quote another post in your reply, you can either click the quote button beneath a post, or use the multi-quote feature. Multi-quote is used when you want to quote more than one post in your reply. Select the multi-quote button underneath the posts you want to quote, and you will notice that the button will change colour. At the bottom of the page, you will notice an informational box appear with the total number of posts you have added to multi-quote. You can multi-quote from different pages in a topic, or even different topics in the forum. When you are ready to post a reply with the posts you have quoted, simply click the Quote Posts Add Reply button.

Next to the reply and multi-quote buttons, you may also see an Edit button for your own posts. If so, you can use these buttons to edit your posts.



Some topics may have polls attached to them. If you can vote in the poll, you will see the questions and the options for voting. Once you have selected your options, press Vote! to add your vote. Once voted, you will see the results and a icon besides the options you voted for. You may be able to change your vote. If so, you will see Delete My Vote. To see the results of the poll without voting, press Show Results button.




image.png Reputation/Likes


Reputation is a way of rating members depending on the quality of their posts. The icon to give it out is very visible in posts (image.png). You can build your reputation on the forum by posting informative and constructive content. This in turn will encourage people to follow your posts, press the like button on different posts and they could even follow your content.

You will be notified when someone likes one of your posts. In addition to this, your general reputation will appear within your information of your posts.




image.png Shoutbox


Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. The shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new shouts someone makes will appear on everyone's page at once, rather than you having to continuously refresh. 




image.png Mods/Plugins


User Mentioning/Tagging

This mod/plugin allows members to give and receive notification when they are mentioned in a post. Members can mention/tag another member by using the following BBCode:



Spoiler Tags

This mod/plugin Creates a button that hides/shows spoiler messages. It's very useful for when creating large threads/posts. You can use the spoiler tags by using the following BBCode:

[spoiler]Harry Pottery killed Frodo Baggins[/spoiler]


#296698 Alora FAQs

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 07:30 PM






Welcome to the Alora FAQs (frequently asked questions) thread! Down below you will find a list of useful threads and links, as well as a list of frequently asked questions normally asked around in the game, with answers to each and every one of them. To quickly search for a question and answer you are seeking, use Ctrl + F and try searching keywords from your question - "2FA" for example.
I've tried to keep the answers to every question short and straight to the point, however, if you feel any should be made more in-depth, then please bring it up to me - thank-you!
image.png Useful Threads and Links
Vote - Vote for Alora on RuneScape Private Server top lists. Be rewarded bonuses (if 2fa is active) and vote points in return. 

Knowledge Base - Section containing important information pertaining to Alora, such as the rules, can be found here.
Guides - Section containing tips and guides created by the rest of the community. 
Management - Submit an appeal, Recover your account, Receive support with a donation/technical issue, Report a bug, and Report a player/staff.
Forum Assistance
Security Guide and How to Setup 2FA

Information on Every Game Mode
Item database

Guide Index 
Price Guide

Obtaining Resources as an Iron Man

Game mode Information






image.png Frequently Asked Questions, With Answers


Question: "How do I play Alora?"

Answer: You can play Alora by clicking the PLAY NOW button, which is located in the navigation bar on the forum (top-right).


Question: "How do I claim my vote auth code?"

Answer: You can claim your vote auth code by clicking on the vote booth in the edge bank or ::auth ingame then typing your code.

Question: "What is the best game mode to choose?"

Answer: Choosing a game mode is a personal preference. You can find more information on each and every game mode in Alora Here.


Question: "How do I donate?"

Answer: You can donate by clicking STORE in the navigation bar, at the top of the forum - or - by typing in one of the following commands: ::Donate / ::Store in-game. Click the View FAQ button under Your Account in the Store page for more information


Question: "How do bonds work in Alora?"

Answer: You can find in-depth information on bonds in Alora Here.


Question: "Can I donate with RuneScape gold?"

Answer: You can indeed. Direct yourself to Here for more information.


Question: "What was the recent game update?"

Answer: You can check Alora's game updates by going Here - or - by typing in the following command: ::Updates in-game. The first thread seen/the one at the very top should be the latest game updates made to Alora.


Question: "Are there any staff members online?"

Answer: Use the following command in-game to view current online staff members in-game - ::Staff


Question: "Where is the trading post?"

Answer: The trading post can be found inside Edgeville Bank, by the big windows.


Question: "Where can I change my spell book?"

Answer: You can change your spell book at the Altar of the Occult, which can be found in the end corner at ::Thieve.


Question: "Where do I buy skill capes from?"

Answer: You can buy skill capes from the Wise Old Man, who is located in the small house North-West of Edgeville.


Question: "Where is the crystal chest"

Answer: The crystal chest is located against the north wall inside edge bank.

Question: "Where is the 'enhanced crystal key' used at?"
Answer: The elven crystal chest is located just east of the first floor of Prifddinas in the center.

Question: "Where is the bloody chest"
Answer: All information pertaining to the bloody chest can be found Here.

Question: "How do I get levels 1-3 in the Herblore skill?"

Answer: You can get levels 1-3 in the Herblore skill by cleaning grimy guams, which can be bought from Kaqemeex's Store at ::Shops, obtained from Farming, and obtained from monsters.


Question: "What is the starting wave at Fight Caves?"

Answer: Normal: 31.  Donator: 31.  Super-Master: 41. 


Question: "What is the starting wave at the Inferno?"

Answer: Normal: 1.  Donator: 15.  Super Donator: 20.  Extreme Donator: 25.  Legendary Donator: 32.  Uber Donator: 40.  Master Donator: 45. 

Question: "Where do you get a dragon defender?"
Answer: All information pertaining to the Warrior's Guild and how to obtain a dragon defender can be found Here.

Question: "How do I get Ava's Accumulator?"
Answer: Ava's Accumulator can be received from the vote shop or 10 points at Pest Control.

Question: "Where do I find that star that just landed?"
Answer: All information pertaining to Shooting Stars can be found Here.

#296697 Ensouled Head Information

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 07:26 PM

Ensouled heads are items that can be dropped by their respective monsters. These heads can traded in to Nieve the Slayer Master in return for a fair amount gold.


Nieve the Slayer Master can be found just outside of ;;Shops. 


Wearing the imbued ring of wealth will increase your chances of obtaining ensouled heads.



image.png Ensouled Impling Head - viifzqA.png 50,000

image.png Ensouled Scorpion Head - viifzqA.png 50,000

image.png Ensouled Dog Head - viifzqA.png 50,000

image.png Ensouled Chaos Druid Head - viifzqA.png 50,000

image.png Ensouled Giant Head - viifzqA.png 75,000

image.png Ensouled Kalphite Head - viifzqA.png 125,000

image.png Ensouled Cave Horror Head - viifzqA.png 150,000

image.png Ensouled Dagannoth Head - viifzqA.png 150,000

image.png Ensouled TzHaar Head - viifzqA.png 150,000

image.png Ensouled Demon Head - viifzqA.png 175,000

image.png Ensouled Bloodveld Head - viifzqA.png 200,000

image.png Ensouled Abyssal Demon Head - viifzqA.png 225,000

image.png Ensouled Dragon Head - viifzqA.png 250,000





#296682 King Of The Skill #3 - Final Results !

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 06:33 PM

What a Dad @Eucalyptus is. Also thanks to my best Dad @king purple for hosting another amazing event, as if there's ever any doubt his events are gonna be good anyways.

#296666 Pest Control Guide

Posted by Banks on 24 May 2019 - 05:02 PM








I. Introduction and Basic Information
II. Pests and Portals

III. Rewards and Mathematics 

IV. Void Knight Equipment 

V. Additional Information


Introduction and Basic Information




Pest Control is a co-operative, combat-based activity/mini-game in Alora. Unlike in Old School RuneScape where you must defend the Void Knight from the pests (monsters), you must only ravage all the portals from which the monsters spawn. Pest Control is a safe activity/mini-game. Players who die will keep their items, and those who play on the Hardcore Iron Man game mode will keep their status. 


Pest Control is not soloable and a minimum of 4 players is needed in order for the Pest Control activity/mini-game to begin. The only requisite to participate in a game of Pest Control is to have a combat level of 40 or above. To receive points at the end of the activity/mini-game, you must deal a minimum damage of 30, which you can do by ravaging portals and killing monsters.


To get to Pest Control, enter in the command ::/;;PC or have the Teleport Wizard located at Home/Edgeville teleport you there (under mini-game teleports). Afterwards run South and enter in the novice boat.



Pests and Portals




Pests are the monsters that spawn out of portals to kill players. Players receive points for dealing damange to the monsters. 





Portals are the key mechanic in the Pest Control activity/mini-game. Destroy all portals in order to win and receive rewards. All portals have 200 Hitpoints.





Rewards and Mathematics




Winning players are rewarded with coins and points. As mentioned in the introduction and basic information category, you must deal a minimum damage of 30 in order to receive points:

3 Points and 25,000 Coins                                        image.png4 Points and 55,000 Coins   

image.png 5 Points and 60,000 Coins                                   image.png 6 Points and 70,000 Coins   

 image.png 7 Points and 75,000 Coins                                    image.png 8 Points and 90,000 Coins    

image.png 9 Points and 100,000 Coins                                 image.png 10 Points and 115,000 Coins


Throughout the week bonus Pest Control points (x1.5) will be activated, this is usually the best time to take part in the activity/play the mini-game. 


Underneath you can see the amount of games needed to obtain every void piece - on the left side being every void piece (excluding elite), and on the right side just being the elite robes. Normal Points/Bonus (x1.5) Points:

217/ 145 Games      image.png163/109 Games                             134/90 Games      image.png100/67 Games

image.png130/87 Games     image.png 109/73 Games                               image.png80/54 Games     image.png 67/50 Games  

 image.png 93/62 Games       image.png 82/55 Games                                   image.png 58/39 Games       image.png 50/34 Games     

image.png 73/49 Games      image.png 65/44 Games                                 image.png 45/30 Games      image.png 40/27 Games





You are able to purchase combat experience as long as the respective skill is at a minimum of level 35. More information can be found inside the spoiler underneath. 


Void Knight Equipment
Void Knight armour contributes Defence bonuses to all stats equally (including Ranged and Magic) without lowering any attack bonuses. The set bonus (see down below) makes the armour a popular choice for all forms of attack (Melee, Ranged, and Magic).
image.png Void Knight Melee - +10% to melee damage and accuracy
image.png Void Knight Ranger - +10% to ranged damage and accuracy
image.png Void Knight Magic - +45% to magic accuracy
image.pngimage.png Elite Void Robes - Gives a Prayer bonus of +3 per piece, and provides an additional damage boost of 2.5% to both the Ranger and Magic sets.
Additional Information
You are eligible for the forum award, 'Minigamer', after completing the Pest Control and Mage Arena collection log. 
There is an achievement, 'Pest-Controller'. You must win 3 games at Pest-Control in order to complete it, and you will receive 20 achievement points in return.
The elite void set can be purchased from the Donation Store for 400 tokens. Those on the Iron Man game modes are also able to purchase. 
The fighter torso can be purchased from the Donation Store for 50 tokens. Those on the Iron Man game modes are not able to purchase. The fighter torso can also be purchased from the Vote Store for 300 vote points.
The ava's accumulator can be purchased from the Vote Store for 40 vote points.
image.png image.png
image.png image.png

#295756 ICE Raids Loot: Week 5

Posted by Banks on 20 May 2019 - 03:11 PM



Hello Everyone!


Welcome to ICE Raids Loot: Week 5!

These threads will be posted once a week by one of our Raids Mentors in order to show off the hot loot we've received.


If you're interested in joining ICE or just want to see what we're about, Click Here.

If you're interested in learning how to raid, Click Here.


If you'd like an invite to the ICE Discord, please PM a star ranked member in the "ICE" clan chat in-game.



You'll notice two has 2 Prayer Scrolls on the same killcount. Congratulations to him, you can see the clip here!


Also congratulations to Laardii for the 3 Prayer Scroll drop!






coxloot1-1.png Prayer Scroll coxloot1-1.png



coxloot2-1.png Twisted Buckler coxloot2-1.png



coxloot3-1.png Dragon Hunter Crossbow coxloot3-1.png



coxloot4-1.png Dinh's Bulwark coxloot4-1.png



coxloot5-1.png Ancestral Hat coxloot5-1.png



coxloot6-1.png Ancestral Robe Top coxloot6-1.png



coxloot7-1.png Ancestral Robe Bottom coxloot7-1.png



coxloot8-1.png Dragon Claws coxloot8-1.png



coxloot9-1.png Elder Maul coxloot9-1.png



coxloot10-1.png Kodai Wand coxloot10-1.png



coxloot11-1.png Twisted Bow coxloot11-1.png



coxloot12.png Metamorphic Dust coxloot12.png



coxloot13.png Olmlet / Mini Vanguard coxloot14-1.png







tobloot1-1.png Avernic Defender Hilt tobloot1-1.png



tobloot2-2.png Ghrazi Rapier tobloot2-2.png



tobloot3-1.png Sanguinesti Staff tobloot3-1.png



tobloot4-1.png Scythe of Vitur tobloot4-1.png



tobloot5-1.png Justiciar Faceguard tobloot5-1.png



tobloot6-1.png Justiciar Chestguard tobloot6-1.png


tobloot7-1.png Justiciar Legguards tobloot7-1.png



tobloot8-1.png Lil' Zik tobloot8-1.png


#295741 [May] Community Awards

Posted by Banks on 20 May 2019 - 12:48 PM



Best Event Manager: Both are my dads. @king purple @Hellish


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Paine / @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: @Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator: @Doofy


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @Paine


Most active In-game: @Mack


Most active on Forums: @Iron Champie


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Not Tauri


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @hsoJ






Most Active In-game: @Alissa


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy: @Chuckoramma1


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Chuckoramma1


Most Friendly: @Alissa


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: @Elsa


Best Helper: @Alissa


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker: @Primul


Best PvMer: @Mack


Best Raider: @Mack


Best Skiller: @Mack


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman:


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): #BoonkGang


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Weath


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer: @Isaac


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall:

#294306 ICE Raids Loot: Week 4

Posted by Banks on 13 May 2019 - 01:55 PM

There's a justiciar legguards drop listed under justiciar chestplate Banks - Other than that nice loots especially the bows!

Thanks for pointing that out, should be fixed now!

  • Gp likes this

#294280 Question about the rules

Posted by Banks on 13 May 2019 - 12:27 PM

So how does someone accidently manage to bot? A bot would require you to use a client and actually set it up. You're implying "people accidently botting" that someone is using it as an excuse for to intentional botting. Those players deserved to be banned.

I have a Razer Anansi keyboard with macro keys on it, it would be extremely common to miss press buttons that would activate a macro bound to my macro key. I have Razer Synapse installed which has a macro recorder and the ability to reprogram my keys.

If someone would use an actual bot script, it would require much more time to set it up and is totally used for intentional purposes. A single miss press on my keyboard that would activate a macro is a huge difference IMO. It's accidently pressed and far from intentional.

Also turning it immediately off would clarify that someone has no intention to bot or auto anything.

I think what he said went completely over your head.


The rule is stated pretty clearly, the use of autoclickers is prohibited. The responsibility doesn't fall on us to make sure you don't "accidentally" autoclick. It's on you to follow the rules and if you don't, you receive the respective punishment. It doesn't matter who you are, everyone has to follow the rules.

#294278 ICE Raids Loot: Week 4

Posted by Banks on 13 May 2019 - 12:19 PM



Hello Everyone!


Welcome to ICE Raids Loot: Week 4!

These threads will be posted once a week by one of our Raids Mentors in order to show off the hot loot we've received.


If you're interested in joining ICE or just want to see what we're about, Click Here.

If you're interested in learning how to raid, Click Here.


If you'd like an invite to the ICE Discord, please PM a star ranked member in the "ICE" clan chat in-game.






coxloot1-1.png Prayer Scroll coxloot1-1.png



coxloot2-1.png Twisted Buckler coxloot2-1.png



coxloot3-1.png Dragon Hunter Crossbow coxloot3-1.png



coxloot4-1.png Dinh's Bulwark coxloot4-1.png



coxloot5-1.png Ancestral Hat coxloot5-1.png



coxloot6-1.png Ancestral Robe Top coxloot6-1.png



coxloot7-1.png Ancestral Robe Bottom coxloot7-1.png



coxloot8-1.png Dragon Claws coxloot8-1.png



coxloot9-1.png Elder Maul coxloot9-1.png



coxloot10-1.png Kodai Wand coxloot10-1.png



coxloot11-1.png Twisted Bow coxloot11-1.png



coxloot12.png Metamorphic Dust coxloot12.png



coxloot13.png Olmlet / Mini Vanguard coxloot14-1.png







tobloot1-1.png Avernic Defender Hilt tobloot1-1.png



tobloot2-2.png Ghrazi Rapier tobloot2-2.png



tobloot3-1.png Sanguinesti Staff tobloot3-1.png



tobloot4-1.png Scythe of Vitur tobloot4-1.png



tobloot5-1.png Justiciar Faceguard tobloot5-1.png



tobloot6-1.png Justiciar Chestguard tobloot6-1.png



tobloot7-1.png Justiciar Legguards tobloot7-1.png



tobloot8-1.png Lil' Zik tobloot8-1.png
