In light of the new clue steps in the latest update, that being today, i began doing a few clues to try out the new various clue steps it provided. Throughout them i noticed various emote clues that needed variety to different items in order to obtain the next clue. I found it quite tedious to hold all the new items, whether on another acc or just throwing them into my already cluttered bank, but then i realized that around the clue step, there are Inconspicuous crates/bush/hidey hole, etc. which in osrs, you can store the items needed for that step and can pull them out for that step before putting the needed items back into the clue-step-storage.
It would be very helpful to have these able to build/work to progress with these new clue steps. It would be better than to simply drop them or just put them in a bank for whenever the particular step comes up again
- Would also help various ironmen (such as UIM) because holding/carrying all those items would take up valuable bank space
An example of said inconspicuous (crate)