OSRS drop rate -> Alora boost -> Alora drop rate
I suggest boosting the drop rates for Nightmare & TOB
Base rate for TOB: 11% - 1/9.1 to land on purple

Apply an Alora boost to that 1/9.1 rate.
Because based on my experience, the TOB unique rate is no where near the intended 1/9.1
Personally, I'm at 14 purples in 600 completions -> roughly 1/43
What about everyone else? Feel free to share your purple rates.
Currently, I strongly believe we need more TOB drops to enter through legitimate gameplay, rather than through opening boxes paid with real life cash.
That's what keeps the game fun and exciting for players.

As for nightmare, the base rate needs to be increased again. (similar to the nex base rate increase)
Every kill each player on the team has a chance to spin on 2 different wheels
1/97 chance to spin on the gear table (used to be 1/120)
1/487 chance to spin on the orb table (used to be 1/600)
1/162 chance to spin on gear table (used to be 1/200)
1/813 chance to spin on orb table (used to be 1/1000)
1/162 chance for parasitic egg (used to be 1/200)
1/1,626 chance for jar (used to be 1/2,000)
1/1,138 chance for pet (used to be 1/4,000)
Currently, it...
1. is very difficult to find a team for regular nightmare.
2. takes too much time for each drop (~19 hours to kill 162 phosani for 1 expected gear table drop)
3. drops very niche (borderline useless items)
Why are nightmare items borderline useless?
Reason 1
Want more crush accuracy than bandos? -> ok try inquisitor -> we'll give you crush accuracy but nerf your defense to like adamant
Problem here? Might as well just use Torva for more str bonus, higher hits, and better defense than bandos.
Reason 2
Nightmare staves aren't very useful
Eldritch staff -> special restores prayer points like SGS (no hp heal) -> not useful in inferno here & no combat/pvm achievements
Volatile staff -> special hits like magic-based mage AGS -> about to get replaced with voidwaker melee-based mage AGS
Harmonized orb -> faster attack speed -> outclassed in pvm by sang with it's healing perk, also can't autocast ancients
Reason 3
Crush isn't good in TOA. The increased crush accuracy and level 80 tier crush weapon doesn't have a place to shine. Crush might be good on bugs like spiders, but the reduced defense makes using inquisitor at sarachnis unfeasible. Using inquisitor's mace at venenatis is pointless with viggora's in the game. Plus, risking inquisitor pieces in the wild is equivalent to risking 19 hours of game time per piece. Not worth.
Since nightmare items are so niche, why not increase accessibility to them?
It balances out the combat triangle in the wilderness (AGS-melee / Ballista-ranged / Volatile-mage)
It balances out the slash/stab/crush tier 80 weapons (blade of saeldor / ghrazi rapier / inquisitor's mace)
It balances out the DPS of normal spellbook compared with ancients by speeding up attack speed
What are your thoughts? Please share.